Emma came down with the stomach flu yesterday morning and though she's feeling much better today, we're all holding our breaths and eating bland food in hopes that it stops with her. Yuck.
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Oh I am so sorry! Hopefully nobody else catches it. I know you know this...but I am a nurse so I am required to tell you that the best way to prevent the spread is to wash your hands frequently.
Tell Toben thank you for the great advice on golf clubs. We located the nearest Golf Galaxy to us (it's about 1.5 hours away near my favorite mall) so I think we will be set.
My kids went to a dinner theater show with my mom today. It has now snowed over a foot and they are stranded in a hotel room an hour from home. The highway is drifted over and the plows are just coming out. We won't see them until tomorrow. I miss them because I didn't have time to prepare myself mentally for a night with no kids.
Posted by: Lisa R-P | December 23, 2007 at 06:24 PM
Hope NONE of you get it. Hope the little miss is back up and around quickly! We seem to have avoided the worst of whatever Sarah had, although we're all coughing and hacking (and snoring...I'm ready to smother my husband...but of course I have way too much compassion and UNCONDITIONAL love to do it!). Speaking of unconditional love, even though he knows I want to do him in with the pillow...he's still sweetly getting me good coffee very morning while we're on vaca and let me stay behind today while he and the kids did a park. LOVE HIM.
My quiet time has been banging on my head about unconditional love. Jesus' for me...my lack of for others. Hating it!
Love you and Merry Christmas! Susan
Posted by: Susan | December 23, 2007 at 07:36 PM
Oh, I hope that you guys all stay well! And I'm so sorry Emma has been sick. Poor thing.
I am finally feeling better, but we are washing our hands and popping vitamin c like crazy around here because the boy that I keep before school every morning has had the flu! I do not want that to sweep through this house, and I am being ultra-freakish about nutrition and hand-washing right now!
Merry Christmas! Meredith
Posted by: Meredith | December 23, 2007 at 08:18 PM
Good Morning! My daughter and I watched your drawing today (she's 11). Very fun that you get your girls involved. Congrats on 16 years of marriage. Our 15th was on the 19th...we were married in Denver at the Watley Chapel...sometimes I regret choosing a time so close to Christmas because it's such a hectic time of year. My husband John and I are going to get away (in town) for a night in the next couple of weeks. Hope you had a wonderful celebration! Most of my family still lives in Denver...where do you all live? I have two sisters and my mom in Denver and one sister in Littleton. I grew up in the Crestmoor area near 6th Ave./Holly. You also mentioned that you went to Whitworth College (spelling?). My school used to play against yours in sports. I went to Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. Anyway, may you and your family have a blessed Christmas. See you on the blog! Katy
Posted by: Katy | December 24, 2007 at 07:26 AM
Praying that this Christmas Eve finds everybody healthy in your home.
Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!!
Posted by: Holly Smith | December 24, 2007 at 03:58 PM