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Lisa R-P

Happy Anniversary!

I'm glad to hear that Audrey is feeling a little better. Knock on wood, we have all been healthy so far this year.


Yikes! Forgot to say "Happy Anniversary" in any of the 20-or-so e-mails I've sent you today! lol.

Hope everyone is well soon and you and Toben are able to celebrate properly.

happy anniversary!


Oh fun...we haven't had the stomach bug here but a monster cold bug that has hit 3 of the 5 of us...mine started Christmas eve...don't have a lot of appetite even for you know I am sick...tee hee.

I hope the stomach bug stops in its tracks and I will pray to that end...

God knows the length and breadth of your days and He will honor your labor and your time even if arrives differently than you expected.

Happy Anniversary...and on that note...I guess He knew and your parents that you should celebrate early...glad that you did!



I sure hope that she has turned the corner and NOONE ELSE gets it!! I bet you'll work hard at getting that book done. You just amaze me and inspire me. Thank you for all the sharing you do.


Holly Smith

Aw, still praying!

Happy Anniversary, you couple of kids, you! :)

Much love and prayers for you, your family and your work,

PS We married in '91, too! August 10th


Happy Anniversary!!

I hope Audrey gets well soon =)


If you have never used it before, get some Aquaphor for those dry hands! They will feel a million times better in a few seconds. :)


Stomach bugs are no fun, especially when you are working towards a goal. I hope she is feeling better, and that you get your book done.

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