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I love the Christmas season. It makes me feel festive and happy! My uncle gave everyone in my family a Christmas present each [he's Christian]. Can't wait to open it!!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

The Dean Martin version of "Baby..."? That rocks!

I recently watched "Christmas in Connecticut" with Barbara Stanwyck. It was pretty good...but not the classic that "It's a Wonderful Life" is!


We love Christmas carols at our house.
I would have to say my two fave CHRISTmas ones are "Oh come Emmanuel" (have you heard third day's version!?) and "Oh Holy Night".

About the whole Santa thing-we never had Santa at our house growing up, and I continued that with my kids. When my oldest was about 4, I had explained to her about who Santa really was, and that he had died a long time ago. So I am at the doctor, having every woman's favorite exam, and Jess was waiting just outside the door. The nurses asked her what Santa was bringing her for Christmas. She just said, "Santa's dead." I heard this roar of laughter from inside, and didn't know exactly what had happened until I was finished!

Now I tell my girls not to spoil it for anyone else! :)


Fun meme, Joanne! Be sure to get out in the snow this year and have a snowball fight (or two). And make some snow angels. Can you tell I miss snow? LOL Then you can have hot chocolate by the fire and snuggle with the kids. Maybe read your Rudolph story........oh, there I go again, living vicariously through my bloggy friends who live up north! Can't wait to be there myself! :)



nice to get to know you better and hear about your Christmases !
coincidence but "baby, it's cold outside" is the title for my today's post !! ;)
(I can't believe you have all your gifts made, wrapped, sent, and under the tree ! wow, i'm far from this -- but working on it !)


Oh, I forgot to mention. I love the colourful baubles hanging on Christmas trees! They're so pretty!


How do you make reindeer food? Please share!


I love this time of year. My favorite song is by Celine... the one where she sings... "it's Christmas eve and they can see we're in love"! Oh, so exciting!

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