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« A little celebratory crafting! | Main | I haven't forgotten the alphabet... »


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erin s

You have been a crafty busy bee! I love the bolero's and the bag is so fantastic. But please enlighten did you make those blocks?


Oh my, what adorable girls and beautiful sweaters! And the blocks are so cute too. Thanks for sharing the pics.

What did you use for the block designs? Wallpaper? I love the colors!


You, dear, make me a very very jealous girl with all your amazing crafting! Those sweaters are ADORABLE!

Holly Smith

God's work through you amazes me!

I hope to learn to knit in '08! Perhaps I will get the supplies with my Christmas money and then a beginner's book. Then you can show me some fancy stitches and tricks later.

Thankful for you, friend!!

Amy @ By His Grace

I would love to know how you made those blocks. What a great idea! All the other things that you made rocked as well.


They're all amazing! Great job!


Hi! What size did you knit for the girls? So very cute! Happy new year! Janine


I'm looking for the scrapbooking letter tutorial and I cant find it :( does anyone know where it is?

I'm wanting to help my friend do it for the nursery of her first baby! (she is due in may :D)

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