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Holly Smith

And then your children arise from bed and call you blessed... I love it. That is a wonderful place for the bar to be, Joanne. Thank you for pouring yourslef into others. Your discipline inspires me.


I loved reading your post this morning...I got up early this morning which is rare on a Saturday...made the coffee, took the dog out and in, and then settled into some time with the Lord and finished up the Beth Moore Tabernacle study that I have been going through...incredible study...I was in tears this morning as I continue to see the amazing way that the Lord has put His Word is like buried treasure that we would miss if we did not choose to seek it and find it...

Thank you for sharing your day and please don't forget if you got my email yesterday to check out my blog ( A Work of Heart) for a surprise just for you.

Blessings and joy to you,



I totally agree. I'm always up at least an hour and a half before my girls -- and hubby too, when he's home. Without that early morning time, I feel like I'm just in reaction mode all day long rather than being proactive and on top of things.


Yes, early mornings are wonderful! I used to wake up at around 6 for sometime and enjoyed about 3 hours solitude before the rest of the family woke up. It was amazing! I should try it again. All the best to you!


when did your family start getting to bed so early and was it a hard transition to make (unless you've done it your whole like)? i would really love to be a morning person, but i feel like we get to bed later and later as the years go one...


I really enjoyed your post. I wake up at 5a.m. just because it is my time to be alone with my Lord. He is all goodness and full of light. My time with my Lord is so precious to me. Thank you for this great post. Blessings, Rose

linda t

Oh Joanne, you will never know how timely your post is to me!
Thank you for reminding me to be more intentional & purposeful with those early hours. I too, LOVE being up an hour and a half before my husband gets up. I love the mornings. But you have inspired me to do what I used to do. I can't wait to use your helpful tools. Thanks!


Oh..I fought early mornings for SOOOO long but now that I am getting older and wiser (hee hee) then I completely understand and love the early morning time....for all those reasons you mentioned! AMEN girlfriend.



Mmm. Yes, Amen. Good stuff. I too, as many commentors said before me, used to get up early, and have fallen away from it. I haven't returned to it yet since our second baby. I'm stired yet again, as Hannah sleeps through the night better and better, to pull out of the selfish 'But, I don't wanna get up' and fall into the 'Oh, I'm SO glad I got up'. I know it's there just waiting for me.
Thanks for sharing your testimony of the early morning blessings, like a worm waiting for the birds who are hungry! Always a joy to visit your site! :)

Bev Brandon

The grace of God is so evident in your life through your words. Doesn't surprise me a bit that you go to your God every day for Him to fill you up and He does. Psalm 81:10 - you open your mouth and He speaks.

I worshipped at Chris Tomlin's church recently in Austin and he said he wrote See The Morning CD because Jesus moved so much in the morning. Psalm 5:3 - I'll lay my requests on His lap in the morning. Jesus is always inviting us to breakfast, isn't He? Just love your posts of weighty words for me.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I started getting up 90 minutes before my family a few months ago. I absolutely LOVE that time. The house is dark & quiet, and I meet with my Lord. My mornings & days go so much better. On those days when I'm lazy & sleep in, I can really see a difference. Like you said, sleep is a small sacrifice for these wonderful benefits.


This is so timely for me to read. I told you two months ago that I need to start getting up to pray in the morning. Giving God what I have left at the end of the day is such a sad amount to give to such a great God. I am going upstairs and setting the alarm! I'll keep you posted!


Oh, this just makes so much sense. I'm SUCH a night owl though (and consequently, NOT a morning person). I'd really have to change my ways, and I'm totally, totally open to it. I can't see a single reason why I shouldn't be! On very RARE occasions I have gotten up early and started the day with the Lord, the right way. What... a... difference. I've got more patience with my family, a lighter heart, more focus, more purpose. Thanks for inspiring me, Joanne. I'll start taking baby steps towards this new goal!


I too love mornings and even though I am not as disciplined as I strive to be, those mornings when I do get a few quiet moments with the sunrise are such a blessing. It is a sacred thing to witness a sunrise - the birth of a new day. A day planned for us before time began. Like a gift ready to be unwrapped!

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