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Alright, I shall take your word for it =)


By the way, any new sewing projects you've been working on lately? I'm looking forward to new ideas and inspiration from you because they're always worth the wait =)


We loved it, too! It is nice to see a great movie with the kids, isn't it?


I so want to see this! Maybe while we're down at Disney.

We went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight and They Were Fantastic! Played for almost THREE hours. Amazing light show. It was SOO good. Just Russell and I went, but next time, we're dragging along the kids, too.


We loved it too!! Didn't you love it when she leaned out the window and sang "ha-ah-ah-ah" and all the animals came flocking to her? And the scene in the park was so great!


I just wanted to tell you that I am reading your book Living Simply and it is just wonderful. Finally, a simple living book that deals with the life of a suburban mom with younger children! Love it!


Marla Taviano

My 2 sisters and I are taking Livi and Ava to see it on Friday night. Bethany cheated and already saw it, the little stinker. She just couldn't wait!


wanted to chime in with my own adoration of this movie! We took five nieces ranging in age from 8-3...two grandparents, and two sets of parents. The movie entertained every single one of us!


We're looking forward to seeing it... hopefully over Christmas break!

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