The letter F in The ABCs of Living Simply is up over there on the Free Downloads page.
Have to say, it's rather ironic that today's letter (or yesterday's, rather!) is for flexibility given that all my plans went awry today. I spent all day feeling disappointed at not being able to go to Boulder (and second-guessing my decision when the sun came out and the roads cleared up around noon)--and so I didn't enjoy being home by the fire with the girls the way I could have. Boy, this is a lesson I'm still learning, one I need desperately.
I'm feeling awfully convicted as I sit here--I need to go read some Christmas stories to the girls, crawl in bed myself, let my Abba comfort me, and redeem what's left of this day.
'Night, ya'll...
My dad just called to tell me that I made the right decision this morning. A couple of guys at his office were in accidents this morning--one even totalled his car. He said the roads were so bad he didn't think I would've made it on time had I tried to get there. It was so what I needed to hear...thanks, Dad!
I completely understand your struggle! I always have sooo much to do and yet my daughter is wanting that one on one time!
Glad that you stayed home though, sounds like your gut was right!
Posted by: Sue @ praise and coffee | December 12, 2007 at 07:26 AM
That is such a blessing to get that confirming word from your Dad that you made the right decision. So often we never get that (in this life) and we spend hours or days questioning our decisions.
Posted by: Lauren at Faith Fuel | December 12, 2007 at 08:50 AM
Yay, Dad! Aren't dads, awesome? Mine e-mailed me yesterday to tell me they would be accepting no $$ from us for the Sea World and Universal tickets...they were picking up the tab for them. Wacky parents! I love them!
I, for one, am glad you stayed home and I didn't have to worry about you on the roads...I'm a huge worrier. Something I'm trying not to pass down to my children. Only the youngest seems to have picked up the W gene.
Love ya.
Posted by: Susan | December 12, 2007 at 10:35 AM
I sooooooo needed your F reminder today....well, really this whole week is being transformed into a giant lesson in flexibility! Uggh...a tough deal learning life in the back seat when I keep wanting to jump up front and jerk that steering wheel back from the Almighty! What is up with that?!?!? It is certainly no coincidence that of all weeks, flexibility fell in the midst of plans turned upsidedown all over the place! Thanks for keeping my perspective eternal...the best place for my focus! Love ya!
Posted by: Heidi | December 12, 2007 at 04:43 PM