The letter G is up over there on the Free Downloads page. Once again, something I need to hear myself.
Too much of my conversation and thoughts these days revolves around "When I get the book done, then I'll ___________." Fill in the blank: do the ironing that's been piling up for (gulp!) months, clean the girls' closets, refold my wardrobe, pick up the basement, get better about planning menus again. You name it, I've been putting it off for the past month (at least!).
Yes, some things really do need to wait until I meet my deadline. But not nearly as many as I'd like to think. I need to get going--to do what I know I need to do. To stop making excuses.
So don't leave me any nice comments that will inspire me to procrastinate some more. Just tell me to get my rear in gear, to get my act together, and to just do what needs doing--and to do it "without arguing and complaining."
Procrastination is one of my biggest downfalls. Once I get motivated, it's easy...but getting started is the hard part. Sorry you have the same trouble, but glad to see I'm not alone.
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | December 17, 2007 at 08:31 PM
GET it DONE, Girlfriend!! How's that?
Now, seriously, would you like to meet Mer and I for coffee on Thursday morning, about 9:15 or so? Same place we met last time :) Sorry, I am a stumbling block...shame, shame, shame!
But really, you need some time (just an hour and a half) to hang with your Chicas!
Love you much! Praying for His Enablement for ALL things you are doing to be Blessed!!
Posted by: Holly Smith | December 17, 2007 at 09:35 PM
Okay, how's this, " NOW Joanne, Let us all do what we must so we may then do what we wish!" (Said in a Stern, yet loving voice, dripping with pride and emotion.)
Posted by: Janine | December 17, 2007 at 10:35 PM
I love your blog and I enjoyed your book,Simple Living!! What is your next book about?
Posted by: Kim | December 18, 2007 at 04:59 AM
Go, G! I mean, go, Joanne!
I love the G, too.
Now get off your bu** and get moving!
Love ya.
P.S. Feel free to give me a kick start to get moving ANYTIME. (Apparently I've moved on from my incredible tendancy to use the word incredible and am now CAPITALIZING willy-nilly.)
Posted by: Susan | December 18, 2007 at 05:48 AM
Hi Joanne!
I can't wait to see what every letter is each week. I'm praying I have a "get going" kind of day with Jesus!!
Posted by: Fran | December 18, 2007 at 07:10 AM