Well, I'm here at home after calling Angie to tell her I won't be headed up to her church for their MOPS Christmas brunch this morning.
It's snowing hard, school is delayed, traffic is awful, roads are treacherous, and it's supposed to snow 5-10 more inches in the foothills near Boulder the rest of the day.
The news just said our normal 10-minute drive to school will take about 50 minutes. Ugh. Think we might just declare a snow day for the Heim family.
I feel terrible having to cancel. Maybe I'll get the car unpacked, take the curlers out of my hair, and make a little movie of what I would have said...
Thanks for your prayers. They totally helped with preparation--and with wisdom about cancelling today too.
Sounds like it's a hot chocolate, movie, stay-in-pajamas day. That seems to make everything better. :)
Posted by: Sara | December 11, 2007 at 09:38 AM
I'm glad you made a safe (but hard!) choice. I hope you enjoy your snow day!
Posted by: Violet | December 11, 2007 at 09:44 AM
I know it was a difficult decision to make, but I was worried about you this morning and checking the Weather channel and thinking there is NO way you better be making that trip!
We would LOVE to see your presentation. Or do you need to save it for when they reschedule? They will...who wouldn't????
Hugs and glad y'all are safe and sound and snug in your snowy surrounded abode.
Posted by: Susan | December 11, 2007 at 10:53 AM
Prayed for you several times. I know God won't let it go to waste.
Posted by: Marla Taviano | December 11, 2007 at 11:34 AM
You must be disappointed but it's better to play it safe. Enjoy your day in!
Posted by: erin s | December 11, 2007 at 01:49 PM
Thankful for you, my friend! Glad for your safety and praying for a splendid day with the girls.
Posted by: Holly Smith | December 11, 2007 at 02:38 PM
Well...I missed all this stuff going on and I'm so sorry. I hope you have had continued peace over this decision. It sounds like you did the best and safest thing.
Keep warm~
Posted by: Fran | December 11, 2007 at 05:40 PM
Girl...what a day...
As it would turn out...here is the how things went...(always a MOPS tuesday right?!?!)
Husband out of town on last minute business trip all week, Tory up last night with nightmares...ended up in my bed, only a good 5+ hrs sleep, overslept from hitting the snooze button too many times, flew out of the house this morning feeding the children in the car...Tory never getting her hair brushed (yikes!), drop off at school, off to the doctor for Cade's rash, back to school for Tory's Christmas party/program and here's the kicker...
BROKE A FINGER ON CADE upon entering the school's front door (didn't see he had grabbed the inner frame and let go of the door--me with the 3 bags in tow...purse, diaper bag, camera). UGGHHH....it was royally smashed, skin torn up, bleeding, swelling, purple...we were like an episode of ER! Cold packs from teachers, cool rinses in the sink, ran to Tory's party to let her know that I can't stay...Cade screaming up and down the halls...Tory stricken and tears start forming...uggh again...back to the doctor...nope...needed ER after all...off to WakeMed ER...more screaming, crying, XRAY torture...more uggh...tried to splint his little finger...nothing doing...reached new heights of decibels bordering on blowing eardrums up and down the ER. What? No sedatives for the mommy?!?!?!?!?!? FINALLY in the car with the wee one strapped in at 1:18pm and then came the mommy meltdown...full blown tears and hysteria! I completely lost it in the parking lot. Feeling like I had completely lost the day...remembering the look on Tory's face leaving the school, holding it together through all the hours of torture on my little baby boy, realizing I get the "WORST MOTHER OF THE YEAR" banner to wear across my cheast for the whole catastrophe being my fault to begin with, dead cell phone through it all and then came the "I MISS MY MOM and IT'S NOT FAIR THAT SHE'S DEAD" wave..."WHY CAN'T SHE BE HERE WITH ME FOR TIMES LIKE THIS?!?!"...double ugghh!!!!
Soooooooo...I guess sharing this with you beats out a trip to a therapist! All this because I wanted to also tell you THANK YOU for my MAJOR AWESOME ornament!!!!!!! I just love it!!! And my Beth bookcover is rockin' too! It came today...and obviously made my day! It was like a long distance Joanne hug...very much needed!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Posted by: heidi | December 11, 2007 at 06:33 PM
Yes Joanne, you made the right decision!! I'm glad I stayed home today too...who really wanted to spend 2+ hours on the road anyway? ...The best part about you NOT going is that I didn't miss out! :) Angie told me about meeting up with you sometime...I sure hope that works out soon, I can't wait to meet you! Hope you had a snuggly warm day! :) Hugs!
Posted by: Amy Ensign | December 12, 2007 at 01:18 AM
Whenever there's a delay (or cancellation) of my travel plans, I always assume that God is protecting me from something. For example if I'm leaving in the morning for the office and there's a school bus ahead of me that is slowing the traffic on our little two-way highway (this doesn't happen every day), I thank the Lord for watching over me, because there could have been an accident down the road that would have either involved me or at least delayed me more...We may never know how often our Heaven Father puts His gentle hand of protection around us...I hope that your day is going well today, Joanne. God's blessings!
Posted by: Karen | December 12, 2007 at 02:30 PM
We missed you at MOPS in Boulder on Tues, but it was a God-thing! You were able to be home and be safe and we had a quiet time together at MOPS visiting and sharing. An unexpected blessing in the midst of plans that fell through.
Angie was able to read a bit from your book... and now we look forward to hearing from you another time! Can't wait to read more.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Posted by: Michelle | December 15, 2007 at 11:54 AM