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« I think I'm turning Japanese | Main | I made it past 8:30! »


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Lisa R-P

I was up about the same time (it's my norm) but I didn't get to bed until after 11pm last night - so I'm ready to collapse myself. Unfortunately my kids are watching a movie and not in the least bit tired. We never seem to be on the same sleep pattern.

Lisa R-P

Oh yeah, Toben's a golfer isn't he? Maybe he has some thoughts for me on what kind of clubs to buy for my kids. Seriously any advice is welcome. I posted about my Junior Golf Program options tonight and am as confused as ever.


I get in those phases myself once in a while, always in the winter! And it feels good to catch up on much needed sleep.


I get in those phases myself once in a while, always in the winter! And it feels good to catch up on much needed sleep.


Joanne, I have the opposite problem. I'm usually up way too late! I'm NOT a morning person ~ if I'm awake at 4am it's because I haven't gone to bed yet. LOL I do admire your ability to get up regularly at 5:00am. Eight loaves of cinnamon raisin bread? Sounds yummy! (Who can blame you for eating one ~ you DID have to make sure they tasted good before you start giving them out, after all. It makes perfect sense to me!)


Sara Schweitzer

I hear you are the early to bed thing. My children have never learned to sleep past six am. If I'm not in bed by nine pm, it's a rough morning.


Oh, to be that industrious by 7 am!!! How wonderful. I might try your getting up early trick... but not until February, when the early rising sun can be my helper! :)

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