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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Lisa R-P

I will be praying for you. In fact, I have been praying for you, your family, and all residents of Colorado since seeing the news this afternoon. How tragic! Glad to know you are well.


Oh, girl! You KNOW I've been praying for you! I've just been counting down the days until Tuesday; I'm so excited. When I saw the weather report, it spooked me a little. I so hope that you get up here safely, and I'll pray now that snow plows and angels clear the way for you.

Can't wait to give you a big hug, friend!

P.S. I also can't wait to see the new cut, the outfit, the nails... my, my! I promise we're not THAT big a deal! :)

Holly Smith

Praying! 'Can't wait to hear all about it and hear about what God does!


I am so praying for you! You have been on my heart this weekend as I've heard about the tragic and unbelieveable shootings in the Denver area.
Can't wait to hear about your MOPS chat! Fill us in with all the details. We can wait a day for "F"!
Have a safe trip.
Love u.


Praying for you... have a wonderful time and a safe trip! Wish I lived closer to hear your talk.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Praying that things will go well for you. I'm sure they will.

Still loving your book. I'm on the Sabbath chapter right now, and I can so relate! I told a friend today that reading your book is like sitting down & chatting with an old friend. Visiting your blog feels the same way.

Blessings, friend.


Hi there Joanne,

I just prayed for you as I had the unexpected chance to do a midday office...thank you for introducing me to Venite...I feel like it has bridged a part of my soul from growing up in the Presbyterian church to now being involved in a non-denominational body...something I wasn't aware was missing...a sweet surprise.

I know God will be glorified through you and I also know that so often women just want to hear from real, authentic women who abide in Him...that's you...go in His power and peace! I can't wait to hear the good report!


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