And that means I still go to bed earlier than most kids. Oh well. It's in my genes...just ask my mother. As long as you ask before 8:00.
I'm off to meet Holly and Meredith for coffee (or chai, for Meredith) this morning down in Castle Rock. Anyone else wanna come? I know Angie would probably love to, but she was up waaaay to late! Next time...
Isn't this blogging thing incredible? I just love "meeting" new friends and then getting to actually meet them face to face. It's just so cool. I know I say this a lot, but, really, if you're ever in Denver, call me and let's go have lunch!
Before I head down the highway, I'll take the girls to school (something Toben rarely lets me do when he's in town!) and meet with some other moms to pray. There's a handful of us who meet on Thursday mornings to pray together--for the school, for teachers and administrators, for our kids, for each other. Just like blogging, praying together is a way to get to know people well--and quickly. I love these women and am so blessed to call them my friends.
So...other random stuff:
I picked up the basement (at least my half of it) some yesterday--a never-ending job it seems. After assembling and wrapping presents for the past month or so it was a pit. Now there's space to be creative once again.
On Tuesday, I went down to the Denver Rescue Mission with the middle school class I've been helping learn to knit. The kids knitted hats and scarves and we took a tour and delivered a couple of boxes full of warm things for the homeless men there. Did you know there are four million homeless people in America? If you've never read it, go get a copy of Under the Overpass. A great book that gives lots of insight into being homeless and an incredible story. I'm almost certain that the author started his homeless journey at the Denver Rescue Mission.
Things like homelessness in America feel overwhelming to me. What can I do to help? The director said that our time is what they need most--to come volunteer. But as a woman, I don't feel comfortable down there by myself. We were a huge group, and yet he still walked us out to the parking lot to make sure we got to our cars safely. People were smoking crack on the sidewalk as we walked by. A whole different world. (Which, by the way, is the most awful smell. Instant headache that took hours to go away. I understand addiction, but am not certain why anyone would try it in the first place.)
I was thinking about this again this morning as I was praying and came across this from Psalm 102: "You will look with favor upon the homeless, and not despise their pleas." Praying for the homeless in America sometimes seems overwhelming too--what does one prayer do? But God is not overwhelmed by it and prayer does make a difference.
Don't forget to enter Giveaway #4.
Think that's about it. Gotta go jump in the shower so I don't have to go to school and coffee in my pjs!
i've no idea exactly how i found your site, but i'm ever so thankful i did. absolutely lovely. i'll be visiting again. :o)
Posted by: haus frau | December 20, 2007 at 08:23 AM
Shoot, I wish I would have read your post earlier. It would have been fun to get coffee with you guys!
Hope things are going well, I love your blog!
Posted by: Kari Johnson | December 20, 2007 at 01:43 PM
I'm sorry I had to miss out on the fun this morning with you and Holly. I was so sad. :(
Posted by: Meredith | December 20, 2007 at 04:07 PM
Chai is coffee/tea in...Hindi?
Anyway, this is a really nice entry :) It makes me happy just reading it. I'm really happy for you!
Posted by: Puva | December 20, 2007 at 05:35 PM
Oh! How stinkin funny that I read this today!
During lunch today, I told the kids that I had to go drop off some bread donations (from a local bakery) at a homeless shelter. My 6 year old says, "Mom, you are going to be gone a long time, because all the homeless people live in Africa." What?! I have no idea where he got this idea because I know I have taught him better than that! Anyways, I decide that now the kids are going downtown with me. So they got to see some of the people we give to and we had some good conversations about how blessed we are and how much God wants us to help others. Wonderful day!
And speaking of knitting, I am trying to learn myself, wanna come help me too?! lol
Posted by: jaes | December 20, 2007 at 06:01 PM
Isn't it cool to "meet" new people online who have interests similar to ours? And is it really, really strange that I can be SO excited about meeting you, Holly and Meredith in person, when that meeting is still 2 months away?! My kids think I'm nuts ~ but my whole blogging thing is their fault......
I've been to the Denver Rescue Mission (definitely a scary place, I'm sad to say) ~ and I agree with you that homelessness in America is an overwhelming problem. I think it's great that so many people take an interest in serving and helping others during the season when we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Teaching a middle school class how to knit must be fun! I LOVE that they made hats and scarves for the Rescue Mission ~ what a marvelous idea.
We'll certainly have lots to talk about when we get together for coffee/tea ~ just be sure your calendar is open for at least all morning that day. I have a feeling the 4 of us are going to find the time flying by! :) I hope you had a nice time with Holly today ~ so sorry to see that Meridith wasn't able to make it.
Posted by: Trish | December 20, 2007 at 10:37 PM
Very cool that you can help serve the mission with the middle schoolers!That's exactly the kind of thing that helps.
Posted by: Holly Bloemhof | December 21, 2007 at 01:17 AM
Under the Overpass is an excellent book. A very insightful look at the reality of homelessness.
Hope you enjoyed your coffee!
Posted by: Marianna | December 21, 2007 at 07:29 AM
Loved reading this Joanne. This was just a beautiful thing for you to do with your middle school kids. God has given you a heart to help others and I love reading what you do.
Keep loving, keep serving.
Posted by: Fran | December 21, 2007 at 07:47 AM
Hi there,
I live in Colorado too. As of yet, I haven't found many Colorado bloggers, so this is fun!
Have a Merry Christmas. Our forecast is for a white Christmas! Yippeee!
Posted by: randi | December 23, 2007 at 05:12 PM