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Marla Taviano

You're in luck! I did my student teaching in Japan! Oh, wait. No you're not. I only learned about 50 words. I remember 10 of them. Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) And I don't even know their characters!

Good luck!


Ooh! Sewing! Interesting! All the best with this new task. I'm sure you'll have fun with it =) Right now, I'm deciding whether I should do a job attachment that's (gulp) 6 months long!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Beautiful! You'll have to share some more pictures of the clothes.

Missi Smith

Joanne-I think it's great that you know how to sew! Maybe you can sell some of your designs (but charge a lot less than Anthropologie.Ha!I love that store!!)

Just so you know, you've inspired me and I will be taking knitting lessons soon. I have only done cross stitch and needlepoint.

Have a blessed day. Missi


I would love to learn to sew. Wanna teach me?


I responded to your question about seam allowance on my blog, but saw you also were wondering about tracing paper. I bought some Swedish tracing paper on ebay (can be sewn together for a mock-up if you like to do that). I've also heard of people using interfacing as tracing paper, which you could get by the yard and should then be able to trace your patterns pretty easily. I think tracing the patterns from the sheet is one of the most difficult things with the Japanese craft books. Good luck!!


I responded to your question about seam allowance on my blog, but saw you also were wondering about tracing paper. I bought some Swedish tracing paper on ebay (can be sewn together for a mock-up if you like to do that). I've also heard of people using interfacing as tracing paper, which you could get by the yard and should then be able to trace your patterns pretty easily. I think tracing the patterns from the sheet is one of the most difficult things with the Japanese craft books. Good luck!!


I know what you mean! I bought a purse/tote book last year because everyone said all ya had to do was "look at the pictures/drawings". They were right... That IS all I can do! LOL

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