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Marla Taviano

Prayed for you a couple times today--that you'd be full of the Holy Spirit, have lots of fun, and bless those women like crazy.

Hugs! (and sorry about your nails!!)


Ugh. What a mess! I'm sure your nails were gorgeous before the incident!
Been praying for you today. I know that you will bless those women like crazy!
Have a great time.
Can't wait to hear all about it!

Holly Smith

Oh I am sorry about your nails and carpet...

Even so, I know that God has raised you up to speak over these women and into these women precious truths that will be light to guide their way with Christ. Praying all day and evening for you, my friend!


Oh, Joanne! You'll be great tomorrow...I'm really looking forward to meeting you! See you in the morning! :)

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