Thank you Helen for such kind words and for the Mathetes award. You can read more about the Mathetes award here.
The idea behind the award is discipleship--following Jesus each day and learning from him. And when I think of other bloggers I love to read who pursue the heart of Christ, the first to come to mind is Susan. While I've not met Susan (at least not in the normal face-to-face kind of a way!), I feel like I know her heart and consider her to be a dear friend. One of the reasons I long for heaven is to get to hug her and sit down for a nice long chat.
I love her honesty, her longing for Jesus, her willingness to get up each day and continue the journey of becoming "this girl"--a new creation in Christ. Her love for God shines through her words and she radiates his glory.
So, Susan, I pass this award on to you--I love you lots!
I also have to pass this award on to Holly. I have met Holly face to face--which is a wonderful thing, because Holly is one of those people who glows. She shines from the inside out. In fact, I secretly think of her as "Happy Holly."
Even in the midst of turmoil, trials, and testing, Holly has a smile on her face for she is confident in her Jesus. She follows him closely and knows that her Redeemer lives. She has confidence in him, and takes him at his Word. She knows she is loved and it shows.
So, Holly, I pass this award on to you too--I love you lots!
It's sweet to have friends who are loyal and sincere =) All the best to you, my friend!
Posted by: Puva | December 02, 2007 at 07:40 PM
Hi, I just had to visit who Helen picked :) You have a very nice site! Looking forward to returning again. Have a great week!
Posted by: Susan Kelly Skitt | December 03, 2007 at 09:16 AM
Thank you so much Joanne! I truly do not deserve this award, I assure you! I am very much so that I hardly know how to respond!
Love you right back and thank you!
Posted by: Susan | December 03, 2007 at 03:26 PM