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I totally know that feeling! My linen closet has been calling my name! Maybe I just need to GO and do it! :)

And the trash-wait til they are in Jr High-it gets worse, believe it or not! :)

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Congrats to you! I see Holly's temptation didn't sway you from your task...or you got it done after a coffee pick-me-up ;-)

I've made my list for January. I just can't start thinking about it til then. But I'll be going through EVERY room in my home & deciding what I LOVE and what I NEED. If it doesn't fall into either category, it's GONE.


Well, she didn't exactly put the laundry away right away...took a few hours, but the fact that it's Tuesday and the laundry is all where it belongs means we're a couple of days ahead of our usual schedule. Nice work baby!

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