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« Merry Christmas! | Main | Tomorrow's plan »


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Melissa @ Breath of Life

I'm with you! I have friends who take their tree down on December 26th...ready to resume "normal" life. I personally love the lights, decorations, and Christmas season.

How sad that our culture can't be happy to sit still & celebrate where we ARE instead of where we're headed next.

Holly Bloemhof

Amen! I echo your sentiments.


My heart feels the same as yours. I feel like the days after Christmas are for reflection, gratitude, and yes....wonder. I, too will have my Christmas music continue and my decorations out for awhile. Thank you for this reminder to rest in Him and what it truly means. Love
PS...I was also at Target a few days ago and saw the Valentine M&M's! I LOVE this holiday because it is my daughter's birhtday....but NOT yet....OH MY!!!!

Queen B

Thank you for the reminder. My daughter woke up this morning sad that it was over. I have already been feeling anxious to begin putting the gifts away and removing the decorations. I think that instead I will make a cup of cocoa and read awhile. I am glad you knocked some sense into me!!

Amy @ By His Grace

Wow! Thank you so much for the wake-up call. My anal-retentive, anxious nature has me feeling antsy today. But, you've reminded me that it is ok to sit back, enjoy the season and remember that we can celebrate all year long. Christ is the BEST part of our lives and thank goodness he made the sacrifices he made for us. So, instead, I will light a fire, stare at my twinkling lights and here "Away in a Manger" played from my son's Little People's Nativity set.


Thanks so much for posting this. I woke up feeling blue, too. Christmas this year was even more wonderful than in the past, filled with family and laughter and love and I hate feeling like since the gifts are unwrapped it's somehow *over* but you're right, the spirit truly lasts all year.

all the best!

Holly Smith

Me, too, friend! Me, too!

I love Christmas and the time of celebration. I love taking the time to do things together as a family. I hope we celebrate each day like that in the new year!

Enjoy your time, reflecting and refreshing!
Much love to you,

Jennifer Rosson

I wrote a similar post today. It was so nice to see someone else feels the same :)


Hey Darlin'!

I was just thinking about this yesterday as we wandered around the Disney parks...all of the decorations are still up, the Christmas music is still playing and folks are still wishing each other Merry Christmas and now adding Have a Happy New Year!

I am loving hanging onto Christmas a little longer.

Although I have to tell you that high 70's and sun, shorts & tees doesn't seem much like Christmas! I am jealous of your white Christmas.

And I loved the advent devotional you mentioned...adding it to my wish list. Clearly, I am unable to go cold I think I will need to work out a deal where I allow myself one book a month (my brain and fingers wanted to type one book a week!).

Love you!



I agree. I am a leave 'em up a while gal. I figure if the City & County building is going to have them on during the Stock Show, so should I. :) I like the warm fuzzy feeling of Christmas...there is no other holiday that compares.

Many blessings to ya.

Lazy Cow

Timely post. Thank you! Though I've been a church-goer since my teens I didn't actually know Jan 6th was the day the wise men arrived! I went to the Midnight Service and our minister was explaining why he wouldn't take the church tree down till then. I usually get rid of mine on New Year's Day as I can't stand the mess, but it is good to be mindful of the meaning of all the special days after Christmas Day. (Though, being in Melbourne, where it's summer, we get out of the house to go to the beach everyday!)


Hello there lady!

I'm quite envious of your white Christmas, since we're in sunny, but cold Phoenix. I remember those snowy days, growing up in Ohio and I miss them.

Thanks for your comments about "putting away" Christmas. The week between Christmas and New Year's has been a time of slowing down and savoring the season for our family for many years. We are blessed with large families on both sides and a great group of friends, so we need to spread out our celebrations over many days to have a chance to enjoy the time with everyone. We like it that extends our season into the new year and is a wonderful reminder of all the blessings that God has given us.

In addition, I have a hard time putting away all the decorations even after the new year begins. I have quite a few "winter" decorations that aren't specifically focused on Christmas, so I get to keep those out even into February. It helps me feel like it's winter here, even though it may not look or feel like it outside.

I'll look forward to checking in on your blog periodically. Feel free to visit mine as well.

December posts have been quite sparse, due to so much "real life" happening, but I'm hoping to do some catching up in the coming days.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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