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Can that man WORSHIP, or what?!

I can just see the heavenlies jammin' and groovin'!

Holly Smith

I LOVE IT!! I am smiling hugely, too.

Can you imagine him as a little boy? His Mama probably said, "Boy, you better sit (hear some emphasis) down and get still (more emphasis) before I put the whoopin' (emaphsis) on you."


INDEED! The "white girl" on Kirk's left was one of my roommates in college. I got to wake up in the mornings to her siging Crystal Lewis songs ~ those were good mornings! :)

Bev Brandon

Is that Kirk Franklin?? I recognize the voice from my IPOD but haven't heard this one---took lots of energy to listen---you would have found me dancing in my study. You know, I cannot imagine worshipping HIM forever. HOSANNA! So glad to hear this one this day...

So Blessed...


Forgive my double entry below on your giveaway. I guess my fingers were a bit excited.

My first stop by your blog. I found you through Fran at 'Blessed By Him'. We share the same name and looks like the same spelling too. Not a lot of us around in our generation...of course I didn't pass the name on with my girls (Meghan and Grace) either.

I LOVE to write too so I will be back to glean whatever I can from you!

Blessings, Joanne (in California)

Nerd Girl

LOL! This is one of my daughter's favorite songs and to hear her little voice (she's 3) in the backseat singing along is truly one of my life's joys.


I see you are totally reading my oh-so-boring facts!

C-f-a makes THE BEST sweet tea, don't they?

Cracker Barrel is a close second.

It's all about the food with me. That's gotta change!

WW here I come (in about 4 weeks).



I about jumped up out my bed and started praising! I just bought the Hero CD by Kirk Franklin and I'm LOVING it!!

This is some heavenly music!


I LOVE that song too! I was part of my choir group at church one semester and we sang that song!! It was for Easter...what JOY!! It just puts joy in my soul to hear and sing that one!! Thanks for sharing it!!


I want to DANCE like him in heaven! :)

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