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I really like that ding dong dash idea! All the fun of a childhood prank with such a positive spin! We're going to do it this year- I know just the family, and my son would LOVE that! A great way to teach kids about the joy of giving! Thanks!!


I LOVE this idea! Are you familiar with the Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories series? I had them as a child and I still to this day remember well the story of "The Surprise Package Company." It touched my heart as a kid and I've often thought I'd like to introduce the idea to our church ladies group or even on a grander scale, something like a not-for-profit organization that would work similarly to the Christmas Cheer Board. (I'm not sure if that's international or Canadian only, but it's a public service group that compiles lists of needy families and then you can donate towards food and gift hampers or even 'adopt' a family for Christmas and deliver the hampers and gifts yourself.)

Holly Smith

What a very good idea! I love the creative heart God has given you, Joanne. I bet that family still talks about it...and wonders :)


What a lovely idea Joanne. I have just the person in mind. A single Mum who is struggling to make ends meet. I agree it is such a great way to teach your kids about the importance of giving to others, especially those in need.


I have been reading your blog for a little while now, and boy I would love to have a friend like you! A few years back when we were really getting beat up, a ding dong dash would have been about the best gift I could have received! Wow. Instead I went to food pantries, etc. It is so embarressing having to "beg". Oh, and then I would always be given expired food or lots and lots of peas and bran flakes...not exactly things you can get a toddler to eat very easily. God bless you and everyone out there who is still thinking of their fellow man and really giving like they would like to be given to!


As much as kids love the thought of doing this....why not do this out of pure love and kindness?! This is a super idea!


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