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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Lisa R-P

I am not so good at finishing up the last details on a project. Good luck! I can't wait to read it.

erin s

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Joanne. Goodluck with the book, you are almost there.

Let me know if the girls enjoyed the movie. I am thinking of taking the kids to either that or "Enchanted".

Take care,


We just took my 2 older ones to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. They really liked it. Hope they have fun and you can get some work done! :)

Heidi B

Your blog is featured in Whitworth's alumni magazine, which arrived in my mailbox today. I wanted to stop by and say hello, as I am a rookie blogger and Whitworth girl (class of '98), as well. I enjoyed your post regarding not putting Christmas away too quickly. Well done!

Holly Smith

Praying for you, Sister! Get it done, girl! Then, can we maybe, uh, well, um, celebrate? I'm needing me some of that yummy French Onion soup, and I believe Mer would like to try it, too!

Who knows? Maybe we'll be celebrating for a new job, too! January 7th...on my calendar to pray for a job deadline :)
Much love,


I know you will do what you set out to do. That's just the way you are. Sending up an arrow prayer for you this morning and hoping you are gettin' 'r' done!

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