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Mrs Jules

Hi, Joanne,

Just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your blog. And your whole dinner meal sounded delicious. Please come visit us at Casa de Jules anytime.

Holly Smith

Yummy! 'Glad Toben's home before the next snow.

PS I got a special package in the mail! I will be writing a little something back to you soon in the mail. You are a gem!

Much love,

Lisa R-P

The cake looks yummy. Thank you so much for the package. What a nice surprise in my mail box today. You are so thoughtful!

erin s. looks so delicious Joanne. I am sure Toben appreciated the effort even if it didn't turn out as good as you hoped. I have a fail proof yummy chocolate cake recipe if you ever want it. Enjoy your weekend.


It certainly LOOKS like the best chocolate cake ever. And your meal...yum-o!
Sending you a big hug this morning, just 'cuz.
Love u.


"Just because he's home again..." That's so sweet! I'll bet it made him feel loved. That's a nice idea, Joanne! Looked delish!


Good morning...

Honestly can anything that has powdered sugar sprinkled on top be half bad...doubtful...glad that all your family parts are and sound!

Have a blessed and joyous weekend,



You should try making Oreo cheesecake! It's yummy!

Stacey Lynch

If it's chocolate it's perfect in my book....just showed John the comment and picture of the cake!!! Loving you from AZ Stacey

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