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Rachel Reeves

What an inspiration you are!


Aww...such a sweet entry! And since you like receiving stuff in the mailbox...I could send you something one day! Maybe I'll start with something simple such as a note or maybe a...Christmas Card! Oh you'll have to wait for a long time for Christmas though! Haha!



*sigh* wish I could have been there to hear you speak--you are the mentor every woman needs, including me!

Holly Smith

Yay God!!! So very thankful for His care over your drive. I know you blessed others--you always do...really, don't argue with me :)

And I'm glad you were blessed in return!
Looking forward to next week!! I will bring your books back, too :)


Hey! I hope we can become close Sieastas on here! Beths new study is amazing! youll love it! Shes coming to colorado springs in should go! :)


Glad to hear it went well! :) I feel the same way about speaking vs writing.
How old are your girls? (Sorry; I'm new to your blog.)

Teri H

This is the church I used to go to! I didn't "know" you then... but I can pray for you anytime!

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