Do you know how much I love you all? I'm so blessed to "know" you and I appreciate you so much. I love getting comments from you, hearing about your lives, reading your blogs (if you have one), and I just can't wait to meet you someday.
Thank you so much for praying for me yesterday. While I didn't sleep very well on Monday night, I was up on time on Tuesday, had a great quiet time, and was dressed and made up and everything by the time I woke the girls up. (I bought a great new dress to wear--waaaaaay marked down at Anthropologie--and thought about putting on compassion and kindness and love and all that with it. Things that just go with any outfit, don't you think?) We ate breakfast together and read some more of The Boxcar Children mystery we're reading at breakfast each day. We got out the door and to school happy and looking forward to the day.
I popped in a Beth Moore CD that Holly gave me for Christmas (Wisdom for Women) and hit the road to drive up to Arvada. I figured that if I listened to Beth, my mind would be occupied and I wouldn't be nervous. And I'd learn something!
I hummed along for about 10 miles and then traffic screeched to a halt. The road was a sheet of ice and I traveled the rest of the way going 10-15 miles an hour. Strangely, I wasn't worried. I'd planned to arrive early--by 8:45--and have an hour to visit and get ready before I was supposed to speak at 9:45. Let me just say, it's totally unlike me not to freak out at a delay like this. But I couldn't do anything about it, had a number to call if the time got too tight, and just kept on listening to Beth preach it.
I rolled into the church parking lot at about 9:20...just as the CD ended. I guess God really wanted me to hear what he had to say about wisdom. (If you've not heard this CD set from a Living Proof Live weekend she did, go get it. I'm through the second CD now and can't wait to hear the last one!)
Anyway, I rushed into the restroom--drank way too much coffee to sit on an icy road for that long--noticed my dress wasn't zipped up (not sure how I forgot that), zipped it up, sprayed myself with some Static Guard, and got up to speak.
It meant so much to me to know that ya'll were praying.
So I started by praying too--for God to calm my anxious heart and help me--and he did! I ended up talking for almost an hour and I think it went pretty well. I'm definitely more comfortable communicating on paper than in person, so while I'm not scared of public speaking, it's not as comfortable as writing for me. But I've prayed long and hard that if God wants me to do this, he'll have to do it. I haven't pursued speaking at all, but have let opportunities come to me. I figure any request is a door he's opened.
Because I'm more comfortable writing, I'm pretty attached to my notes--and I'd love to be able to fly by the seat of my pants a little more. When I write, I feel like I'm just having a conversation with you. But talking to a group doesn't feel as much like conversation to me. Maybe I need to walk around more and ask people to talk back!
I loved meeting Erin and Charlotte (the MOPS coordinators) and they even invited me to come scrapbooking with them--the one craft I just can't seem to get the hang of! I got to talk with some other moms too and see some darling little kids that make me miss that season of life. Especially having a stroller to cart your stuff around in. I tell you what, I think someone could make some money selling "strollers for stuff" for moms whose kids have outgrown the need for one. I could definitely use one!
I knew a couple of the moms who go to this church's MOPS group, and I got to have lunch with Amy afterward. She lives in my exact same house--but all the way on the other side of town. It was so fun to see how our homes are similar and different and to see how she's arranged all of her furniture. We had fun!
I also got to swing by my friend Janna's house and meet little Jack, her new baby. Oh, I love holding babies who are just a few days old. He was all swaddled up in a flannel cowboy blanket and just as sweet as could be. Oh, time flies...
All that to say, thanks again for praying. I just love you to pieces! Know that I pray for you too--for God to bless you right back for blessing me.
What an inspiration you are!
Posted by: Rachel Reeves | January 09, 2008 at 09:51 PM
Aww...such a sweet entry! And since you like receiving stuff in the mailbox...I could send you something one day! Maybe I'll start with something simple such as a note or maybe a...Christmas Card! Oh you'll have to wait for a long time for Christmas though! Haha!
Posted by: Puva | January 10, 2008 at 01:14 AM
*sigh* wish I could have been there to hear you speak--you are the mentor every woman needs, including me!
Posted by: Jenny | January 10, 2008 at 08:39 AM
Yay God!!! So very thankful for His care over your drive. I know you blessed others--you always do...really, don't argue with me :)
And I'm glad you were blessed in return!
Looking forward to next week!! I will bring your books back, too :)
Posted by: Holly Smith | January 10, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Hey! I hope we can become close Sieastas on here! Beths new study is amazing! youll love it! Shes coming to colorado springs in should go! :)
Posted by: Rebecca | January 14, 2008 at 10:26 AM
Glad to hear it went well! :) I feel the same way about speaking vs writing.
How old are your girls? (Sorry; I'm new to your blog.)
Posted by: Faith | January 14, 2008 at 12:13 PM
This is the church I used to go to! I didn't "know" you then... but I can pray for you anytime!
Posted by: Teri H | February 08, 2008 at 02:05 PM