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YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYY! I can hardly wait!

Holly Smith

Love the scripture picture, Joanne! Yay for Susan!!! Miss Millie is going to be fun to keep up with...what's she's wearing for what occasion and such.
Blessings and prayers from Jesus to you!


Ooh congratulations Ms Susan!


Her name is perfect! :) Love the scripture too! My maid of honor read this to us at our wedding...has been a mainstay for me as the "ingredient" to a good marriage...and parenting too for that matter! It always takes me back our Christmas time wedding...just like yours! :) Have a great week filled with "Millie" inspired creativity! (PS Do you remember my psychotic hamster in England...the one that would freak out at the slightest noise...she was really cute, fuzzy, and dark colored? Used to run around the house in that plastic ball for exercise? You'll love this...her name was Millie!!!)


What a great blog! I was just out blog-hopping and happened across yours. I added you to my side-bar so I'll remember to come back. Good stuff here! Thanks for sharing!


Great name, love it!

I just posted my first giveaway, you'll have to come by and see if you are interested! And I just ordered your book from your site tonight, I can't wait to get it!! :)


I do love that movie, too. :) And the inspiration behind this. That Scripture is one God really laid on my heart a few months ago; I love the idea of writing it out where I can see it every day.

Meredith from Merchant Ships

I love, love, love this! I made over my tiny closet into a "glamour" closet just for me--and had a hard time finding just the right Scripture to hang inside.

What we wear inside our hearts is more important as what we put on our bodies--and your art piece illustrates this perfectly!

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