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Oooo! Fancy Schmancy! They look like they loved it... and they're so pretty! I don't doubt they turned a few heads at the airport, Libby Dus or not!


Even at 27, I still want to go in there some times and get all dolled up! :)


The girls are really sweet =D

I finally bought knitting stuff today! One crochet needle, 4 knitting needles and 2 balls of yarn! Time to learn from the videos now!!

-bounces off-


Ooo! They look like they had so much fun! I was considering taking Abigail there in a few weeks for her 5th birthday. Do you think that is too young?


Wow, do they ever look awesome, all dolled-up like that! What beautiful little princesses you have!!


This looks so exciting...I have never done that is sure a way to spend quality time with family...And both look totally different and new, I am sure they will cherish these memories for ever.

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