Daisy and I took a walk this morning! And listened to the first segment of Mary of Bethany, a CD set by Beth Moore that sweet Holly lent me. (Well, I listened to Beth and Daisy listened to my comments on what she was saying.) Then caught up on email and such before heading to Girl Scouts this afternoon.
I've been thinking about viewing Girl Scouts as more of a ministry, wanting to arrive earlier to pray for each of the girls in my different troops, wanting God to use Scouts to do good work in these girls' lives. I mentioned it to Toben and finished doing my hair and by the time I was done, I was totally in a snit.
Do you ever feel that way? Just annoyed and upset and not sure why. It hit me out of nowhere. So I drove to school and prayed for God to transform my attitude and change my heart and change my mood. He answered, but not right away.
I came home three hours later still in my snit--a worser snit, even. A snit and a pity party combined. Feeling overwhelmed by my life, like all the simplifiying we've done has worn off. (Nature--and any empty space in a house--abhors a vaccuum! You clean out, clean up, sort, and organize, and then stuff starts creeping slowly in. So slowly that you don't notice at first until one day it feels like everything's exploded.) Feeling like I want to erase everything off of my calendar and hole up in my house for a month--or two.
Then while we were eating dinner, I heard again what Beth taught this morning about Martha being worried and distracted by many things. That Satan uses distraction to hinder us. And I thought, That's it. I'm completely distracted to distraction. Discouraged. Disheartened. And wanting to "dis" everything and everyone.
I don't think it's coincidence that I listened to that CD this morning. That I started a new Bible study journey this morning. That I want to see Girl Scouts as more of a ministry than an activity. That for the past few days in my quiet time I've been thinking about "one thing" kind of living. That today I suddenly felt overwhelmed and wanted to quit everything.
Yes, I still feel like we need to sort through things again. That I need to think long and hard before adding anything else to my weekly calendar. That life has been uncomfortably full lately. But instead of feeling pulled hither and yon, in a million and one different directions, I need to choose that one thing that Jesus talked about. I need to pour it all at his feet and then sit back and listen to what he has to say about it. Because he cares about all the details of our lives--from how we fill our calendars to what we teach at Scouts. It matters to us so it matters to him.
What's distracting you? What's pulling you apart? Pull up a spot of the floor, and let's park ourselves at Jesus' feet, listening to his gentle voice instead of the loud ones in our heads driving us to distraction.
I just had a similiar situation a week ago. I was trying to prepare a talk for MOPS moms on devotions and I just became completely overwhelmed by everything ELSE in my life. I was definitly in a "snit" all day as well. Because of it, I could not focus, I could not get anything done. Then I realised that is exactly where the evil one wanted me - consumed by my bad mood and frustrations. In that space I could not hear God's voice or do His work. I had to pray for my own state of mind and really focus on just one task at hand to move beyond my bad mood and into a space where I could hear God instead of just my own negative talk. Okay - long comment! Whew! Thanks for the post!
Posted by: wendy | February 20, 2008 at 08:49 PM
How I relate with your post...have lived much of it...those snits from nowhere in particular...ugh! I do think you are right...something is a brewing in you...and there is growth already that you recognized it and just desperately want more of Him...I am really trying to take each day alone...not adding the days end to end...does that make sense...when I look at what is ahead and that is just what I KNOW that is ahead...I can feel my heart start to pump harder...but this is where I need my heart to pump harder and deeper for Him...get back to basics which is always seeking Him first and then all these things will be added...plus then I will know what needs to be substracted!
Blessed by you Joanne and praying for you as you continually seek His highest call for you and glorifying Him in the midst of that calling.
Posted by: Helen | February 20, 2008 at 09:57 PM
First of all, "snit" is not a part of my regular vocabulary, and at first glance, your blog appeared to be peppered with profanity. :)
Second of all, you must have heard an audible voice saying, "Joanne. This is the Lord. Marla needs you to write a blog about distraction and frustration and clutter and snits. And she needs it now!"
Thank you, and I love you. And when does your new book come out?
Posted by: Marla Taviano | February 20, 2008 at 10:16 PM
Goodness how I needed that today. It was meant for you to listen to the message so that we all could realize how much we, as women, need to sit at HIs feet more and stop being in a "snit" over our lives. How blessed I am to even be able to have a busy life.
Posted by: Terena | February 21, 2008 at 07:57 AM
Coincidence? Nope. Came here first this morning...because I was supposed to.
Love you.
Posted by: Susan | February 21, 2008 at 08:50 AM
Wow. Wow... that soo hits my life right now. I am suffering badly from Fibromyalgia (and the fibro fog) makes my life a whirlpool of distractions. Any a friend was just an hour ago talking to me about the need to simplify things, take everything one step at a time. Thank you for this spin on my life. I will try to keep the thought of Satan trying to win through the chaos in my life to mind the next time Im drowning, multitasking, etc...
Thank you and God Bless!
Posted by: Chris | February 21, 2008 at 09:01 AM
Girl, I can relate! I've been there many times. Don't let the devil tell you that the simplifying you've done has been for naught. You've got too much of a ministry here, my friend.
I too get distracted by the many things I "have" to do. I'm learning what's important. It's not about doing what's good, but about doing what's BEST. That's a tough distinction for me sometimes.
When I get overwhelmed, I tend to shut down. I'm learning that if I give everything I have (little as it may be) to Jesus, He'll take care of the math. In fact, I posted about that today.
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | February 21, 2008 at 11:30 AM
What a great message... We've been working on releasing clutter from our home during Lent and I'm finding that I'm getting grumpy that it's not happening fast enough. Instead of allowing this activity to bring us closer to God, I'm feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
Posted by: julie | February 21, 2008 at 12:04 PM
I totally understand and get what you mean...I become grumpy and irritant for no reason at times...and totally hate it when around me do that...But we need to listen , listen to the inner voice. Thats what I learnt from you today Joanne. Thanks for being there and sharing this message with us.
Posted by: Priti | February 21, 2008 at 12:41 PM
Thank you for the reminder to sit at the feet of the one who can bring us out of the "snit" we may be in and the one who make order out of chaos.
Posted by: Jill | February 21, 2008 at 01:05 PM
Amen and Amen! I am such a Martha and stay in a "snit" at times. I have to work VERY hard to stop and listen and not be distracted!!!! Thanks for the post.
P.S. ~ My bible study is doing Stepping Up right now and we love it.
Posted by: Bitsy | February 21, 2008 at 01:13 PM
Oh, wow! I'm glad it's not just me in a snitty mood! Thanks for your post today and your kind instruction to park it at Jesus' feet. I plan to do just that and try to get out of this snit I too have been in. Do you think it has anything to do with the weather, germs or moon lately?
Posted by: Erin W | February 21, 2008 at 02:20 PM
You just have no idea how very much I needed to read all that you wrote. It's like you are writing what I have been thinking, except my "snit" was started by something else. I had even asked friends on Tuesday to pray for a situation I am really struggling with. Then, during lunch today I realized God had answered my prayer, not the way I had thought or even hoped, but He answered it in just 2 days!
My husband very gently asked me the other day what was making me feel guilty or bothering me to the point that it was making me a grumpy person, especially at my kids and husband. He just hit the nail on the head; I DO become upset when I feel overwhelmed with life and then guilt comes creeping in. I really respond to what you wrote about Satan distracting us.
Thank you for being so transparent.
Posted by: Andrea | February 21, 2008 at 03:00 PM
I have had a reoccurring snit (for the last two weeks) it comes it goes; I talk to my husband about it. He listens. I bring it back up. My church is considering building a new sanctuary. It keeps coming up and distracting me. Thank you for your post about distraction.
Posted by: meredith | February 21, 2008 at 03:19 PM
Hi there! I was linked to your blog through someone else's blogroll, and boy am I glad I was! A full-time work-outside-the-home mommy of a five and three year old, I am exhausted, and, according to some labwork I just had done, it is starting to affect my health. I have a very hard time telling people no for fear of someone getting upset with me. My husband just told me yesterday that we have to stop committing to so many things. But it will probably take some kind of 12-step program to teach me how to say no! I definitely need to simplify my life and will be catching up on your ABC's of living simply. Thanks! Visit me at http://touchofglory.wordpress.com.
Posted by: Melissa H. | February 21, 2008 at 03:33 PM
I too, truly needed to hear these truths, Joanne. I am especially grateful to have gotten to read the two posts together. Thanks for sharing--how I need to go sit at the feet of my Savior--tout de suite!
Posted by: Holly B. | February 22, 2008 at 01:22 AM
Your book, and blog, came to me a few weeks ago as I finally accepted Jesus into my life (I'm almost 33!). I wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your blog--it's wonderful insight into the mind of a long-time believer. If you've lived without Him for any length of time, your thinking processes, especially where snits are concerned, are so different. I used to be filled with such intense anxiety and desperation when I was without a spiritual life. What a lonely existence! I truly believe I was led to you and your blog (via a random visit to the local Calvary Chapel's bookstore) by Him so that I might receive the gift of your wisdom and faith. You have a beautiful way with words and I look to your writings for inspiration. Thank you for keeping it real.
Posted by: Ali | February 22, 2008 at 08:43 AM
he he...your word "snit" makes me laugh!
I totally know how you feel though. I have a house full of very sick people and I have been playing nurse for going on 4 days now. As much as I love being a wife and mother right now I am resenting it a little!
Posted by: tammy | February 22, 2008 at 09:42 AM
Hello - came over for a visit from Linda's (one of my first-ever blogging friends and a great support to me). When I start feeling overwhelmed I stop and start giving thanks. Even as a very busy mom I'm constantly prioritizing and bringing things back to reality (keeping it real). I've written a few posts on that!
Bless you!
Posted by: sandy | February 22, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Hi Joanne:
I just stumbled across your blog two days ago when I was looking at some marital/pre-marital books and materials. After I had read about five or six posts, I was so overwhelmed with inspiration.
I have been crying out to the Lord lately, feeling lost without examples of tangible, Godly women surrounding me like I used to have when I was younger. Through listening, I learned that I need to become that woman for others. And... then in front of me was a page of words that expressed so much of the woman I want to become.
I was bubbling over with inspiration and anticipation and love. I re-opened my eyes towards the future, and was listening about what God would have for me. And one of the goals that sits so peacefully within me, is that I am going to write a book.
And then the following day (yesterday) was very inspired and productive and friendly: I could recognize and feel God's hand molding me in my daily moments to become the woman that He dreams of. I set short term goals of retreat and intentional reflection and prayer journal and naps and more time with friends that need my care and creativity in my sewing and other creations.
And today: What a "snit". From the moment my fiance picked me up this morning, I was grumpy. I felt exhausted and discouraged and irritable. As though everything I was inspired by was too lofty, and I could never be good enough and the steps that had already been made were worthless.
And, what was worse, was I (irrationally) thought that being in that "snit" made me completely unable to become the wife that I was inspired to - which made my "snit" even worse. And so, Joanne... when I read your post today, I was brought to tears. I realize how much we need to be aware of God's presence and Satan's distractions. More importantly, I realize that bad moods happen in real life. And that I am still the beloved daughter of a Lord who is far greater than "snits".
Thank you for your honesty and candidness, and for inspiring me in your accomplishments, in your creativity, in your motherhood, in your care for others, in your care of yourself, and in your "snit".
- Robyn
Posted by: Robyn | March 05, 2008 at 10:01 PM
Hi Joanne:
I just stumbled across your blog two days ago when I was looking at some marital/pre-marital books and materials. After I had read about five or six posts, I was so overwhelmed with inspiration.
I have been crying out to the Lord lately, feeling lost without examples of tangible, Godly women surrounding me like I used to have when I was younger. Through listening, I learned that I need to become that woman for others. And... then in front of me was a page of words that expressed so much of the woman I want to become.
I was bubbling over with inspiration and anticipation and love. I re-opened my eyes towards the future, and was listening about what God would have for me. And one of the goals that sits so peacefully within me, is that I am going to write a book.
And then the following day (yesterday) was very inspired and productive and friendly: I could recognize and feel God's hand molding me in my daily moments to become the woman that He dreams of. I set short term goals of retreat and intentional reflection and prayer journal and naps and more time with friends that need my care and creativity in my sewing and other creations.
And today: What a "snit". From the moment my fiance picked me up this morning, I was grumpy. I felt exhausted and discouraged and irritable. As though everything I was inspired by was too lofty, and I could never be good enough and the steps that had already been made were worthless.
And, what was worse, was I (irrationally) thought that being in that "snit" made me completely unable to become the wife that I was inspired to - which made my "snit" even worse. And so, Joanne... when I read your post today, I was brought to tears. I realize how much we need to be aware of God's presence and Satan's distractions. More importantly, I realize that bad moods happen in real life. And that I am still the beloved daughter of a Lord who is far greater than "snits".
Thank you for your honesty and candidness, and for inspiring me in your accomplishments, in your creativity, in your motherhood, in your care for others, in your care of yourself, and in your "snit".
- Robyn
Posted by: Robyn | March 05, 2008 at 10:03 PM