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Melissa @ Breath of Life

I'm looking forward to an afternoon & evening alone today. So much to do, so little time...


Been one busy day here so far already...two cakes baked...Spiderman cakes, by the way. Have to decorate them still...laundry and more laundry...ironed on Power Ranger logos onto six different shirts...all the power ranger colors, of course...yellow, pink, red, blue, black, green...our oldest is the green ranger. Yes, he's 17. Spiderman? Power Rangers? It's Super Heroes night at our Sweetheart Banquet. The youngest boy is going as an Army Black Knight...let' face it...they are THE ultimate super hero. The spousal unit is going as the Terminator...he did turn to the good side, remember. And I'm going as myself...Superwoman/Supermom. Every day life.

The girl has a formal dance tonight. She's going with The New Boyfriend.

I'm sure I'll be blogging and putting pics on sometime this week!

Welcome back Toben.

Holly Smith

Hope you are doing just that!

Have a marvelous weekend, my friend!!


Sounds like a very busy day was like any usual shopping...sitting in the Addison Park and drinking coffee...

Well I had a question for you..I was planning to bake a cake for some of my close frenz...and cause I have never baked in my whole life I picked a pack of dunkan hines cake should be simple enough for starters like me...but I can't add eggs as we are vegeterians..the directions are to allow 4 eggs...I am sure if the cake will be soft enuf without eggs...will welcome your suggestions..



Suggestion for game night....have you checked out Apples to Apples Jr. yet? We love the grown up version and think our oldest, Jack (6), is about ready to play the Jr. edition.

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