From Puva:
I have...2 questions! 1) What should every knitting/sewing/crocheting person have in her craft basket/kit? 2) What do you do when you have a day to yourself? As in, a day where your chores are all done and you're free to do anything you want. For example, knit and have tea? Something like that...
1. Well, to knit or crochet, it's good to have a couple of sizes of needles and hooks, including a circular needle and double-pointed needles for knitting. Plus some stitch markers, a tape measure, and a clicker counter to keep track of rows on your pattern. And a selection of yarn. My kit has been built up over the years--as patterns have called for different sized needles and hooks I've added to it. And extra yarn gets put into my yarn trunk--great for checking gauge or small projects using what's on hand.
If you're just beginning, I usually suggest making a scarf. And all you need for that is needles and a skein of yarn!
For a sewing or mending basket, I think you need needles, a thimble, and a few spools of neutral thread. Plus a sharp pair of scissors. If you're sewing on a machine, add bobbins and a greater assortment of thread colors, plus good, long pins. And some spare machine needles for when you hit a pin and break one. I also like to have a cutting mat and a rotary cutter with a pinking blade for cutting any straight lines. Plus a good iron and ironing board. And, of course, I like to have a fabric stash for whenever the sewing mood strikes!
Anyone else have anything they think is essential for a knitting/crochet kit or a sewing kit?
2. Hmm...when I have a day all to myself with nothing else to do? If I'm in the middle of a great book, I like to sit and read all day long. Or if I'm feeling crafty, I like to sew--which means being in the basement and listening to music or something on my ipod. I also like to watch a favorite movie--which usually involves knitting, crocheting, or embroidery. One thing I rarely do is nap. I'm just not very good at it! I'll lay down for ten minutes or so, but I don't fall asleep quickly so I end up getting up again.
If I'm feeling social, I think it's fun to call my mom or sister and go wander through an antique shop or two. But my favorite thing is to stay home.
For the sewing kit.....I would add an extra pair of scissors. I'm always laying them somewhere while I'm sewing. I'm usually too lazy to go find them. Having an extra comes in handy. :)
Posted by: Sara | March 28, 2008 at 04:04 AM
Wow I see my name there! Yay thanks for the answers Joanne =D
Posted by: Puva | March 28, 2008 at 09:25 PM