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Thinking of you and your family ~ you're in my prayers Joanne. Easter blessings, dear friend!

Much love,


This is a really neat idea. I am enjoying your blog very much!

God bless-


How beautiful. In the past two years I've learned th significance of the Passover sedar and how it points to Jesus. I am in awe at how perfect HIS word is! May you experience His blessings as You focus on Christ this weekend.

Blessings in Christ-

Lisa R-P

Hi Joanne,
I finally made your Joanne carrots today. We had Chris' family over for an early Easter celebration. The carrots were a hit. 2 of my sister-in-laws asked for the recipe. Thank you!



What a neat tradition, Joanne! My husband belongs to a Messianic church (like Jews for Jesus), and I belong to a Baptist church (we always attend both churches together), so we celebrated Easter last weekend, and we'll celebrate Passover (realizing that Jesus is our Passover Lamb) next month. If you ever get a chance, I know that you would enjoy attending a Christ in the Passover ceremony sponsored by Jews for Jesus. Or maybe you've already done that? It really opened my eyes to see how all of the symbolism of a traditional Passover points to Jesus and His fulfillment of prophecy. And every year, as we celebrate Passover, we pray that God would reveal this to Jewish people so that they would recognize that He is their Messiah, too.


Emma is baking a cake. Those are wonderful words. I am saying lots of thank you prayers.


Well, reposted from 2009 in BIG letters and I thought it was from this year! I'm a bit ditzy wouldn't you say? So I'll just keep up with the asking prayers. :)


You are so blessed to be sharing this with your girls..Thank God for that. Enjoy!!

Cool! I cannot believe that you have posted this in 2009! It seems so long ago! Nice traditions and awesome ideas for 2017 Easter celebration:) Thanks!

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