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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Yay! First to comment! Okay that was random. Anyway...

I like the last paragraph very much =D It applies to me as well!

Take care!


Oh Joanne, I love this post about your book...I am LOVING your book!! I find time every so often in the day to catch a little bit and I too love what you just said in your last paragraph,

"...For me, simplicity is primarily about having a simple focus. About pursuing the kingdom of God first--and letting everything else fall into place behind that."

I am trying SO hard to learn that!! Thank you for the book, I swear we were meant to meet - your words and thoughts could be my own...I just needed to get the motivation to get in gear from someone else I guess! Thanks a million!!! :)

Holly Smith

Every day I am on the computer, I read :)

BTW, a funny for St. Patrick's Day--did you know that a pub in NYC said that for the month of March, no one could play "Danny Boy," because it's a depressing song and an Englishman wrote it anyway! :) Isn't that funny?


Thanks for sharing your journey. Having read the book, I knew part of the answer, but thought it would be neat for you to share with others.

Love, love, LOVE the last paragraph. Amen & AMEN!


This is a great challenge for my day. I have 2 girls 6 & 7 that I Homeschool. I like your Mom's comment about doing what's best for your family. There is so much pressure to push God out of our day.
Thanks for your ministry.


Just want you to know that even though I am a "real-life" friend, I am a faithful bloggy friend, too! I check every day to see if there is a new post. Your blog is a favorite!


I read daily too, just not so great at commenting. I love your blog. I am in So. Cal and understand all to well the "need for activities". People are CONSTANTLY amazed that my kids are not involved in anything- they did soccer in the fall but that was it. I LOVE our afternoons together- relaxed- after homework is done- we PLAY. Amazing concept? In this day, sadly so. I am very thankful for your blog!! I think I need to get your book too.

Marla Taviano

I love it when you talk SIMPLE to me! :) Seriously, I love how refreshing you are.

Sometimes I have to catch up on your blog, but I don't miss a post.

Have a wonderful day!


I love your answer to Melissa's question about simplicity... and your mom has wonderful advice. We don't have the kids in any extra activities and I admit, I often feel the pressure because we aren't like most families. But the truth is, I don't want to be racing here, there, and everywhere and trying to get dinner, homework done, baths, and to bed on time.


Speaking of blogs, what it's Toben's?

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