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My hubby and I are both Air Force brats! I'd agree with pretty much everything you said, except for me making friends was difficult, because I'm very shy by nature. I can think of a couple of other benefits, though, that I believe have made a difference in my everyday life: the ability to read maps well, and the ability to pick up languages quickly.


I am going to write down the following quote in my notebook: We live the lives we've been given and make the best of it.


Thank you Joanne for a very thoughtful answer. It sounds like you and your family adapted very well.

I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing a little of you with all of us in Blog Land!



I enjoy reading your blog so much! We are actually Americans, living in Wales! I enjoyed reading about all your travels. For the most part, we enjoy living here, but do miss our family/friends terribly! We work the university students here.

Blessings to you!

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