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Holly B.

Praying for you and for the group! Enjoy your luncheon, too!


Praying for you this morning, Joanne. Yay for Holly and her family! Continuing to pray for her, as well. So jealous that y'all get to spend time together! Enjoy :)


Wish you all the luck for everything that you do.
The weather has improved here as well. Almost feels like summer. Being from India it was very tough for me and my family to adjust to the cold.

You have a fun time...

Holly Smith

What a very fun day! :) I wish I had read this first...I don't think we jumped up and down, did we? We'll just have to do that next time!

I SO want to call you and tell you a story about Kylie, but I think I may just email it to you--what a good time for you to offer to pray! It has a "touch" of humor to it. I'm so not ready for my 8 year old to grow up.

I love you, friend! Thanks for praying us through...I still am so happy and a bit stunned by it all.

Tell Susan thanks for praying for us :)
I wish she could come, too!

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