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miss chris

Yum. I keep forgetting to do this. And I need to! I bet it's good on taco salad, too.

Erin W

I made this last week and WOW was it good. I used smoked turkey rather than chicken BTW...


Hey Joanne,

The package just arrived...what a wonderful way to re-entry life after spring break...thanks for sending it so quickly.

Great recipe...I will have to try the Pace salsa...I do a similiar recipe but I use either one cup of BBQ sauce or water mixed with a packet of taco seasoning and pour that over the chicken makes a tangy sauce great for filling tacos, burritos, sandwiches or wraps...aren't crock pots grand...I just made overnight steel cut oatmeal for this morning and they turned out husband went back for seconds!


What a great idea! Thanks!!


Thanks for posting the recipe! This looks really easy and delish!

Marla Taviano

I actually put a packet of taco seasoning mix in it too. You know, to up the sodium a bazillion milligrams. :) Your way is much healthier!


This sounds so darn good... and not toooooo unhealthy! I try to feed the kids natural and organic foods as much as I can, and I can see this being one that I could make healthy, but still yummy!! Thanks a zillion.
God bless-


I tried this yesterday and it was delicious! Thanks!

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