From Helen:
Hey Joanne, How fun... I love favorites and put favorites on my blog from time to time so... Favorite book(s)... Favorite devotional... Favorite Bible Translation... Favorite book to read over and over... Favorite movie(s)... Okay, that's more than one or two...
I love this because it makes me think of Maria singing about a few of her favorite things in The Sound of Music, one of my favorite movies. Yep, I know ALL the words to ALL the songs by heart. And I can't watch the movie without singing along.
Favorite book(s)
So hard to answer! I love to read, and have since I was a child. My dad and I had a deal, for every five books I'd read, he'd take me to Denny's for breakfast before school and buy me a new book. That didn't last too long before it was every ten books!
So, as a child, I loved to read mystery books: Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Three Investigators.
As an adult, I still love to read children's books, as well as historical fiction. But I am very careful about what I read. For years, I read lots and lots of romance novels--something I cannot read any more. As a young girl, they made me aware of things I shouldn't have known quite yet, and as a young married woman, they made me discontent with my life and my marriage. Life just isn't like a romance novel!
A couple of years ago, I gave up fiction for an entire year. It was hard, but taught me to read great works of nonfiction and to enjoy them too. That was the year I discovered Mark Buchanan's The Holy Wild, Madeleine L'Engle's Walking on Water, and Robert Benson's Living Prayer--all books I read at least once a year now.
Favorite devotional
There are two that I use: Robert Benson's Venite and A Guide to Prayer for All God's People. I LOVE these books.
Favorite Bible translation
I use an NIV Study Bible every day--so it's my preferred one. But I also love reading The Message. Toben was the publisher for The Message for a while and so I'm fortunate to have met Eugene and been involved some in the process of The Message. In addition, I use Blue Letter Bible almost every day as part of studying.
Favorite books to read over and over
Well, I spend more time reading my Bible than any other book.
But in terms of reading for entertainment, I read all of the Chronicles of Narnia every year, all of the Anne of Green Gables books every year. I also read The Secret Garden just about every year. I do read The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy every other year or so too. I also read the Mallory Towers books by Enid Blyton every year too. Oh, and all the Little House on the Prairie books get read almost every year too!
A lot, I know, but they are all old friends and I need to spend time with them!
Favorite movies
The Sound of Music, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, You've Got Mail, The Robe, Gigi, Funny Face, Paris When it Sizzles
I could probably think of more, but it's time to make some dinner for my family!
I just started Anne again this afternoon! I realized it's been at least 3 years since I've read them, and I miss her! :) PEI is on my Places-To-Go list too.
I got my workbook cover today! Just in time for Bible study tomorrow a.m.! It's gorgeous! I can't wait to show it off!
Hugs, friend!
You bring out the exclamation point in me. :)
Posted by: Marla Taviano | March 12, 2008 at 06:07 PM
Oohhhhh, someone else who can sing all the songs from "The Sound of Music"! Yay! It was mind-boggling to me the other day at MOPS that no one at my table except me could name all the favorite things from "My Favorite Things". I'm glad I'm not alone!
Posted by: Rochelle | March 12, 2008 at 10:10 PM
Hey Joanne,
So good to see all your posts...glad that your talk went so well!
Thanks for all the favorites...I could agree on a lot of them...we are all big Sound of Music fans in this house and brings great memories of husband and I are reading the Chronicles of Narnia together this has been awhile since we read them to the girls and really fun...I wore out my NIV Study Bible and have been using the NIV Life Application Bible which I really like but I find myself returning to the study Bible and delicately looking for what I
Oh...and great places...I was completely envious awhile back when a friend's daughter was going to be a nanny on PEI...I hope that one day...I will get to walk through the lush beauty...and I adore Carmel and Monterey...well, I could go can tell it's late here...bless you!
Posted by: Helen | March 13, 2008 at 10:29 PM