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Marla Taviano

I just started Anne again this afternoon! I realized it's been at least 3 years since I've read them, and I miss her! :) PEI is on my Places-To-Go list too.

I got my workbook cover today! Just in time for Bible study tomorrow a.m.! It's gorgeous! I can't wait to show it off!

Hugs, friend!

You bring out the exclamation point in me. :)


Oohhhhh, someone else who can sing all the songs from "The Sound of Music"! Yay! It was mind-boggling to me the other day at MOPS that no one at my table except me could name all the favorite things from "My Favorite Things". I'm glad I'm not alone!


Hey Joanne,
So good to see all your posts...glad that your talk went so well!
Thanks for all the favorites...I could agree on a lot of them...we are all big Sound of Music fans in this house and brings great memories of husband and I are reading the Chronicles of Narnia together this has been awhile since we read them to the girls and really fun...I wore out my NIV Study Bible and have been using the NIV Life Application Bible which I really like but I find myself returning to the study Bible and delicately looking for what I

Oh...and great places...I was completely envious awhile back when a friend's daughter was going to be a nanny on PEI...I hope that one day...I will get to walk through the lush beauty...and I adore Carmel and Monterey...well, I could go can tell it's late here...bless you!


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