From Holly:
What would be one of you favorites places to visit and what sights would you have to go see? Also, who would you take? Finally, what souvenier (sp?) would you bring home?
Here's the thing. Though I've had the opportunity to travel a lot (my family lived in England when I was in middle school, so we traveled to Europe every school holiday), I don't much like to travel. I'd rather stay home!
That said, my favorite places to visit are places that feel familiar: Carmel (we honeymooned there and went every year for years), Paris (lived there for a summer after college and know my way around, plus I speak French), England (having lived there, it was home for years). I'd go to any one of those places just about any time!
I'd love to take an extended trip to Yorkshire and rent a house in the dales. We've talked about ALL going--Mom and Dad; Wade, Kristen, and their kids; and our family. I would love that...hiking through the dales, taking the girls horseback riding at the stables where Kristen and I took lessons, picking strawberries, picnicking at Fountains Abbey. But we need to wait until Ava and Tyson are a bit older.
A place I've never been that I'd like to visit? Prince Edward Island. I'm a huge Anne of Green Gables fan, and would love to visit there. The scenery in the movies takes my breath away. I think I'd want to visit in spring or fall, and I'd take my family. But not until the girls have read the books and love Anne as much as they should!
I'd want to see the lighthouse that's featured so prominently in the movies, the bridge where Gilbert proposes and Anne accepts, and just wander through the countryside.
What souvenir to bring home? A set of Anne books and a charm for my bracelet. I do have a Nova Scotia charm--one of my first, that my grandmother gave me after visiting PEI along with my very first copy of Anne of Green Gables.
(And, only four more years until I get to take this trip! Because Toben and I made a deal: For my 40th, we're going to PEI; for Toben's 40th, we're off to Carmel so he can play a round at Pebble Beach. Of course, he's older than me, so we'll be going to Carmel first.)
PEI does sound delightful! To quote one of my favorite movies (Sabrina):
"Paris is always a good idea."
Posted by: Holly B. | March 12, 2008 at 12:35 AM
Oh, Carmel, how do I miss thee!!! For four years, we lived in the "salad bowl capital of the world". A small town of 8,000, where we were in the 5% minority. The best thing about it? One hour to Carmel! We were there at least once a week. We now live further, but still only four hours. It is our family vacation spot, and we have our faves that we have to hit each time, the mexican restaurant, the beach (duh!) etc. We've even been to the Pebble Beach Pro-Am, and our oldest daughter has some really cool memories and autographs!
Sorry about the long comment-I could say more! :)
Posted by: Beth Whitney | March 12, 2008 at 07:22 AM
I've only ever been to Paris, and was enthralled. PEI sounds wonderful, though.
Seen you've been under the weather, you probably haven't read my post with the acronym for SIMPLE...
Pray and
Let go
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | March 12, 2008 at 07:51 AM
Home! Ahhhh! Must break away from home!
How divine to have been to so many places.
Soon, very soon, I will venture out of the United States and have my fill of the beauty ;)
Posted by: Kate | March 12, 2008 at 11:22 AM
Unfortunately, only about 10% of the Anne of Green Gables movies was actually filmed in PEI. I've been there twice and it IS beautiful, but you won't find the landmarks you're looking for.
Posted by: Katy | March 13, 2008 at 07:20 AM