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You are like so totally my hero.



you know, i have NO real schedule. i get my work done in the mornings and flitter about housework all day. but no set schedule.

i think it's certifiably driving me crazy.


I just wanted to tell you that The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is one of our all-time favorite books. It is so sweet!!! I hope you love it as much as we do.

At the library this afternoon, I picked up a book called Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson. It's supposedly the prequel to Anne of Green Gables. Ever heard of it?

Raising Country Kids

Wow. Your schedule makes mine seem positively chaotic. I seriously need to consider the Monday - housework and nothing else - option. I guess with four kids and a farm, my life might be a little bit more difficult to schedule, though.

Thanks for sharing that.

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