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Erin W

I am wishing it was winter so I could hide the bag of M&M's I tried to polish off tonight but I do enjoy exercise and find it keeps me sane so I DVR a program on channel 6 called Classical Stretch. Some days the woman does yoga, pilates or yoga. It keeps me satisfied. Just thought I'd share: )
Erin W.


I used to be much fitter when I was training with my floorball (it's a bit like hockey) teammates. Now I just go for occasional badminton games. I like to go walking too =D


I'm totally with you ~ if I don't walk first thing in the morning, it's not likely gonna happen!! I've realized that for me, it's about the walk, not the exercise. I love having that time to myself, even if it's -40 and snowing! (you'd think those days I'd be happy to use my elliptical, but this is why it's obviously not the exercise that I love!!)

And keeping your hands busy with something during your 'down' times is HUGELY important!! I used to cross-stitch in the evenings all the time, but the house we're in now doesn't have good enough light for that, so not snacking in the evening while hubby IS, is definitely a struggle!!


I'm with you though Joanne. I've eaten so many Cadbury Eggs it's sickening, but thank goodness I'm tall!

But to actually exercise I need motivation. I just joined Jazzercise! HA! It's actually really hard and being tall doesn't help, I feel like I am flailing about.



Thanks for answering my question! My favorite exercise is walking / running. Also, this winter we got out the old 1990's step aerobic tape with Denise Austin. Still works!


I came across your website in my husband's Whitworth magazine. I'm a new mom and have time at home now and I've loved reading your blog. I'm not crafty AT ALL but love seeing all your creations. We actually have a friend in common, Heidi Irwin. My husband, Steve, and Heidi worked together in Children's Ministries at Menlo Park Presb. Church in California about a million years ago. I laughed out loud when I came across the picture of the two of you...what a small world it is. Would you pass on a hello to Heidi and Austin from Steve and Linda Mercer?
We also have friends in Littleton and Castle Rock (also Whitworth grads) and love visiting when we can. We now live in Ohio so any time we can get out West we love it!
We have recently jumped into the world of blogging. Our 4 month old son has his "own" blog, It's a great way for the grandparents to see him grow (they all live in California).
I'm going to try growing grass indoors this week! I'm a California girl through and through and still have not adjusted to Ohio winters even though we have lived here 6 years.
Enjoy the rest of Spring Break with your girls!



I have two big Bouvier dogs (almost 11 years and 11 months). They make me exercise, however, lately our walks are getting shorter and shorter with how busy the kids schedules are. I prefer to walk in the morning, but I don't like to walk in the dark or rain... kind of tough in the rainy NW!

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