Do you ever have those days that are just good? I had one today and I'm just praising God for it. I'm in my jammies, snug in bed. Daisy's stretched out next to me, snoring her little soft head off; Toben's happy as a clam watching basketball; and the girls are getting in and out of the bathtub.
I got up this morning and spackled with my new wrinkle cream. I followed the directions, but decided that if a little was good, more would be better. So I applied three layers--letting it dry/soak in/whatever it does between each one. (See, I know something about spackle and paint--and since three is the number of the Trinity I figured I should go with it.)
I got all ready to go and realized I'd really wanted to paint my fingernails. Since I had a good drive ahead of me, I went ahead and got in the car, fastened my seatbelt, started the engine, and painted my fingernails, resting my hands and balancing the polish bottle on the console in between my front seats. That way the paint could dry while I drove and I wouldn't mess it up with the seatbelt buckle or my keys. Smart, huh?!
I may have mentioned it before, but I love the "Greatest Hymns" CD by Selah. I dialed it in to my ipod (before I painted my nails) and sang the whole way down the road. One of the reasons I love it is that my church doesn't sing enough hymns in my opinion. So I have to sing them on my own. The other reason I love that CD is that I can really sing with it. Do you have songs you love, but for whatever reason you just can't sing along--the key is too high or too low and it just makes you sound weird? Well, I can sing along perfect well with this CD. Not well, but without sounding too weird and off-key.
By the way, one of the hymns on the CD is "It Is Well With My Soul"--a really great hymn for Easter, I think. When I got to the part of "that glorious thought that my sin, not in part but the whole, has been nailed to the Cross and I bear it no more--Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul" I couldn't get the words out. I was just completely overwhelmed and sobbed. How incredible to be loved so much. I can hardly fathom it. But Jesus does love me like that--and he loves you like that too.
(Luckily by that point my nails were dry enough to rummage around for a tissue to wipe my eyes before my mascara ran. I really didn't want to get up and speak looking like a raccoon.)
If it's been a while since you've heard that hymn, go listen to it--especially since tomorrow is Good Friday. You'll be glad you did.
Anyway, it was such a gorgeous day and driving south on I-25 you come around a curve and come face to face with the whole of the Front Range. That's one thing I miss about living in the Springs. The mountains aren't off in the distance, but right there. Like this--ignore the light post, I took it out the window while going through an intersection.
That blue, by the way, is called Colorado blue. If you've ever been here or lived here you know just what I mean.
So, I got to the church this morning and found my friend Kelly. I would have recognized her anywhere. She introduced me to two of her daughters and I realized that it's been 13 years since I'd seen her--because her 13-year-old was a baby the last time I saw her!
I had such a sense of deja-vu that I had to reach up and touch my hair to make sure it wasn't in the horribly tight curls of the awful perm I had when I first met Kelly that summer before ninth grade. It really is good to get older!
(That funny mark, by the way, is where I burned my forehead on Monday while I was curling my hair with my new curling iron. It's been years since I've used one and I had a little mishap. It sizzled when it touched my skin. Youch! It didn't look too bad on Monday, but it's looking a little bit worse as each day goes on...)
Her MOPS group was just wonderful--such lovely women. I feel like I had a chance to talk to almost everyone. It was fun to participate in the discussion and to hang out with everyone while we made the craft. (Which, by the way, is the coolest thing. Trish, their craft mom, is super creative and had the cutest idea for today. I will tell you about it, but not yet because I'm going to totally copy it as an Easter gift and I don't want to give away the surprise! So maybe on Monday.)
Anyway, Kelly and I were able to visit and I'm looking forward to more time together soon!
When I left church I met Holly for lunch at La Baguette--the all-time best French bakery ever. Their French onion soup is perfect. Really. I've had French onion soup in France and La Baguette's is better. We talked and laughed and shared and before I knew it it was time to go home...
...because Audrey and Emma got out of school early today--spring break has begun! The alarm is turned off--for the next ten days--and I may not get dressed tomorrow. We'll have to see how desperate I am to get to the fabric store.
The day just kept getting better. Angie stopped by tonight to drop off a CD for me from when I spoke at her church (and when I popped it in my computer I saw that I talked for 55 minutes--waaaaay over my time allotment--sorry!) and to pick up a copy of Living Simply. She's going to be doing a giveaway on her blog sometime soon--so go check it out.
She had her sweet little girls with her and so our girls got to run around the front yard together for a while. Her Emma and my Emma were delighted to share a name! They compared spellings and thought it was amazing that they both spelled Emma the same way. So cute.
We headed to Buca di Beppo for dinner to celebrate the beginning of Spring Break and to eat too much. We always have the same thing when we go there: caesar salad, fried mozzerella, baked ravioli, and pizza margharita. (Somehow I think I spelled that wrong.) Eating there always makes me miss California. We had one just down the road and ate there often with a bunch of other families. So Carter family and Corsi family--we're missing you and wished you were there to have dinner with us tonight!
Well, I think this post is quite long enough. And if you've persevered this far, well, I'm impressed. Thanks for letting me ramble on. I hope you had a good day too!
I survived to the end of the entry! Yay me!
Posted by: Puva | March 20, 2008 at 08:04 PM
This post makes me miss the Springs! :) La Baguette is my favorite!!! I love it! So glad you got to go - what do you like to eat there? Also, thanks for the picture of the mountains. I did not let myself gaze at it too long - but I enjoyed seeing it! So glad you had such a great day!
Posted by: Monica | March 20, 2008 at 09:27 PM
Sounds like a wonderful day! Happy Easter, friend.
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | March 21, 2008 at 03:29 AM
Thank you for your post on Lilly's blog. Thank you for your prayers. They help so much. I am Lilly's Grandmother (Gammy). She was my first grandbaby and was such a blessing and a gift from God. I miss her and she will live forever in my heart. I pray for Jennifer and Richard. Their hearts are hurting and they have such a void in their lives.
I enjoyed your website and look forward to reading your books. You seem like a delightful person. Have a blessed Easter weekend.
Praise God that it can be "Well With My Soul" because He gave His Son and His Son willingly paid the price for my sin. Praise God for His magnificent glory and that we will experience it someday with our sweet Lilly! God is good.
Blessings ~ Cathi
Posted by: Cathi | March 21, 2008 at 06:54 AM
I'm so glad you had a good day!
I could not agree with you more. That verse of "It is well" is my all-time, favorite hymn! It speaks to my life and what Christ has done for me!!
Happy Easter,
He is Risen!!!!
Posted by: Cheryl | March 21, 2008 at 07:08 AM
Wow that sounds like a really long day...and I totally love the picture of the Range..looks like Switzerland....
For the last few days I am having a really strong craving to read a good book.. I guess I am going to gift myself one of your books...and I will take one back home to India for my best friend.
Happy Easter To you and to everyone out there.
Posted by: Priti | March 21, 2008 at 08:08 AM
I just joined a MOPS group... my aunt had spoken at one and thought it would be a great place to go. I am brand new to your blog, but think i will enjoy coming back and hanging out.
Praise Jesus! I love your 'fire' for the Lord.
God bless-
Posted by: Amanda | March 21, 2008 at 08:00 PM
Aww! Joanne, you were a highlight of my day. What a nice surprise to chat and exchange stories for a little while instead of racing to the door and back like I expected. It was wonderful! And my Emma talked about your Emma and Audrey all the way home and asked when she can play with them again. It was a treat for all of us.
Posted by: Angie | March 22, 2008 at 06:58 AM
Hi Joanne,
I love the group Selah too.
Have you been reading Angie Smith's blog about the upcoming birth of their precious baby Audrey, that is not expected to live? So very sad...
She's the wife of Todd (from Selah). Her blog is the most inspiring blog... I have wept after reading many of her posts. She is such an amazing, Godly woman.
Posted by: linda t | March 22, 2008 at 04:51 PM