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I know you did all that because I was beggin' ;-) But oh so helpful! I got me some 'learnin to do! Thank you ladies!

Now - break it down - Wooooo!

Janine, Caroline & Lisa


Oh Wow! That would take me a loooong time to learn. I am so uncoordinated! Sure looks like fun though!


I did notice your nails yesterday. They look lovely.

Thanks again for driving on out here. It was so nice to spend time with you!


We love this game! We frequently play it at our family gatherings...there are 12 of us so it can be a riot when it really gets moving and we all are laughing!


We love this game! We frequently play it at our family gatherings...there are 12 of us so it can be a riot when it really gets moving and we all are laughing!

Holly B.

What fun! I remember playing the cup game!

Holly B.

What fun! I remember playing the cup game!

Ann at mommysecrets

I've been saving this post on bloglines, but it's taken me forever to comment! I published a book last spring that would be perfect for scouts. It's called "Great Group Games: 175 Boredom Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages". You can find it your favorite online bookstore or at my publisher -

I also lead teambuilding workshops for community organizations, schools, and churches. I would LOVE the opportunity to meet you in person, so if you're ever looking for a 'games girl' to teach about 'playing with purpose', I'd love to come! My website is

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