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I can totally relate...I used to love to fly but after the kids came I dread it! I like the idea of praying short verses. I will remember that next time I start freaking out on the plane.
Have a fun trip! BTW, I'm from the Puget Sound .....make sure you get your picture w/the Baristas at #1 Starbucks. They are happy to do it.


Have a safe trip!

Marla Taviano

Breath-prayed for your flight (and heart) just now!


I pray that you have a fun and safe trip.

Many many thanks for your prayers for me and my family. I felt really special reading your mail.

Thanks for being who you are.

God Bless!!


I'm so smiling right now! My dad, grandpa, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and husband are all pilots. So I totally understand what your dad was trying to explain to you... and you're right! It is God's hands, baby! You betcha! No where safer! Praying for your peace no matter the weather!

(That is so funny... I just posted about weather and flying today too...)


I'm with you on flying. I only do it because it's the best option sometimes! (Especially like when you're going to say, Hawaii.) That verse from Deut. is perfect. I'll have that in my back pocket next time!

Your pics from the next post are great. Looks like fun!

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