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« Headed to Seattle (and breath prayers)... | Main | Home from Seattle and it's the last week of school »


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Amy @ By His Grace

Those flowers are gorgeous and that sunny sky rocks! Sounds like you and Hubby are having fun! Enjoy!

Holly Smith

OH Joanne, how beautiful!! I am so glad you are having wonderful time (as they used to say on the old post cards).

Thanks for the blog postcard--so cool! I may never see Seattle, but I saw Seattle through your eyes. Looks beautiful.

Can you imagine going to market every day?

linda thompson

What gorgeous pics Joanne!!
Looks like you and Toben are having a wonderful time.
Sending our love and support to all of you on the LCI team.

Dawn W

Looks like you are having fun! Thanks for the pictures - better than any postcards.

Reminds me of my one and only trip to Seattle. Except, I NEVER saw the sky look like that - I had the stereotypical "Seattle weather" the whole time I was there!

Blessings! Dawn


Lovely pictures...Glad you are having fun.
I have never been to not sure if I will get to go...Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

Holly B.

Seattle is one of my favorite cities! Thanks for sharing--so glad that you had fun!


Love the pictures! Makes me very homesick (I am originally from the area).
What a great day you had too.

Amanda Rettke

Great pictures! My mouth is watering over that fresh seafood....

Hope you continue to feel the Lords amazing blessings!


I love Pike's Market! I miss the northwest so much!

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