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you don't look as bundled up as i did. could you stand the cold?




Those pictures are A-mazing!
So glad you have a wonderful trip!

Lisa R-P

What great pictures! So glad to hear that you had a nice trip.

I loaned my copy of Living Simply to my sister-in-law -- she loved it. She is buying copies for 3 of her closest friends. I cannot wait for your next book -- please let me know as soon as it is available.



Wow! That place is simply breath-taking! I'm glad your family got to enjoy all that! Now I know where I should go if I want a holiday!

Marla Taviano

Love the pics! Especially the last three! You guys are soooo cute!!

And I loved your last post too. Great stuff. Cool book cover. You know I can't wait to read it!!

linda thompson

Wow! GREAT pics Joanne!
What a sweet pic of you and Toben!
What I would give to be there and out of this heat!

Tara@From Dawn Till Rusk

That looks absolutely gorgeous. Hubby and I are skiers and I look at that snowy peak and fancy giving it a go! Don't get much of that here in the UK though!

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