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« We're home from Alaska! | Main | Alyeska Tram »


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Hey! I've SOOO missed you!

P.s. Is that your rear sticking outta the box?

<3 u~


The cover looks great... and I like the title too! Glad you are home safely and able to catch up on your quiet morning time.


Too cute! Sign me up for a copy!!!


I know just how you feel. I sometimes resent it if I hear the pitter patter of little feet (or big lumbering ones--my kids are 10 and nearly 12) before I'm filled for the day.

Sounds like you had a great vaca, though.



I love the cover of the book. It is intriguing to me and makes me want to pick it up and read it. Life is busy... I'm still struggling to "find the time". A little backwards thinking... maybe now is a good time to revamp that thinking. Thanks for your inspirations. The pictures from Alaska have been amazing.


Love that cover Joanne! It's really cute!

So glad you guys had a lovely holiday!


I really like the title and the cover. I also can't wait to read it. I definately feel as though I've misplaced God these days. My calendar has taken over my life.


Wow, the issue of time and not spending enough quality time with God, and everyone else has really been on my heart lately. Days turn into weeks and before you know it, months. Again you have encouraged me to make time. bless.

Dawn W

I always think, "When summer gets here, I'll have soooo much more quiet time." Never seems to happen. Glad to know I'm not the only one who strugles with this.

Love the book cover! Looking forward to reading it.


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