We are headed to Alaska on Tuesday.
My cousin, Allison, is getting married on the Summer Solstice at a camp outside of Fairbanks and my whole family is headed to the wedding. Mom and Dad have been on their way for the past three weeks or so (you can keep up with them here) and we're flying out on Tuesday with Kristen and her family.
Toben is so darned excited and has been packing in his head for something like the past three weeks. Part of the reason he's so excited is that we're not staying at the camp with everyone else. He does not rough it--and the camp is rustic! Here's one of their "primitive" cabins:
We're staying here and sharing the house with Wade and Kristen and their kids. It's not "primitive"--given that there's lots of hot running water and internet and satellite television.
Pretty, huh?! I'm getting more excited as I think about running along that road in the mornings--maybe running away from a bear will help me pick up the pace some...
I haven't given packing much thought. Somehow packing for me plus two girls feels like something I just haven't wanted to think about much. Plus, I have to do laundry first. I can't pack unless ALL the clothes are clean and I have a comprehensive list to pack from!
But I have started gathering the important stuff--like stickers and books and paints and pencils.
When we went to Washington, D.C. two years ago, I took along blank books, stickers, glue, scissors, markers, and the girls and I made travel scrapbooks. They loved it! Each day we took our books with us wherever we went and took time to sit and copy our favorite paintings or cut up magazines and museum brochures. We wrote about our favorite part of each day and glued in lots of postcards, pictures, and anything else we thought was fun.
Here's a peek at those books. (I did all the journaling for the girls--writing down their words for them--since they were younger at the time and Emma, especially, couldn't do it herself. They did all their own pictures and cutting and gluing though.)
This was a great way for the girls (and me!) to record our trip and they still love looking at their books two years later.
So we're going to do the same thing again for this trip. We stocked up on fun stickers and stuff at Jo-Ann's the other day, and are off to Michael's later today for the blank books that we like best.
I'm also thinking about what other projects and such to pack--card games for certain, a knitting project or two for me, and maybe some more embroidery for the girls. I think I'll also pack some embroidery floss so they can work on friendship bracelets. And movies are a must too.
What are your must-haves for your kids for vacation? Other than clothes and sunscreen and other necessities... I'm sure I'm forgetting something!
On our family vacations we always bring a baseball and bat (we usually drive so there is more room for that kind of stuff)...we love to find a park nearby and play good old family baseball!
Posted by: kara | June 14, 2008 at 09:19 AM
That is a great idea about the scrapbooks. We are taking the kids to Oregon (from So Cal)in August and my daughter (5 next month) loves scrapbooking. She'll love that idea. Thanks. Alaska looks beautiful. Have a great time.
Posted by: Lesli | June 14, 2008 at 09:48 AM
Music! You'll most probably need music! Or maybe some storybooks too.
Posted by: Puva | June 15, 2008 at 04:51 AM
sounds like you've got everything pretty well organised though, have a wonderful trip!
Posted by: mel | June 15, 2008 at 04:51 PM
I'm with Toben, no roughing it, that's just not fun! Let's see. a deck of cards maybe. and a puzzle, how about snacks, and special sleeping toys to feel and smell more like home, perhaps that's just my kids? I love the journal scrapbook idea!
Posted by: asnipofgoodness | June 15, 2008 at 06:33 PM
What a great idea! *mentally notes it for later*
We haven't taken a vacation yet, so I have no idea.
Posted by: Jessica | June 15, 2008 at 07:04 PM
Have a wonderful time on your trip! I lived in Anchorage for a long time. Went to Fairbanks and Chena Hot Springs a few times. My dad is still there at Denali National Park. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!
Posted by: Sara | June 16, 2008 at 07:44 AM
We had a family wedding this past weekend-- Michael's brother was finally married! Enjoy the trip to Alaska... the house and scenery where you are staying looks beautiful!
Posted by: julie | June 16, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Oh I love to find fellow list makers! My hubby is not and teases me on my dependance to them. I love the scrapbook idea and will certainly do that with my 3 kiddos on our next trip. We will sometimes get a disposable camera for each of them when we go somewhere fun. It is neat to see the same things through their eyes. If I forget they just use my digital camera which is not as much fun but still works. Safe travels!
Posted by: Deann | June 16, 2008 at 07:15 PM
Those travel scrapbooks are sooo great! My girls would love to do that! (well, at least 1 of them!) Have fun in Alaska!!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | June 16, 2008 at 07:17 PM
GIRLFRIEND...this is Alaska we are talking about...get the STRONGEST mosquito repellant you can stand...I'm talking about that toxic DEET junk. You will need it like nobody's business! None of that botanical stuff will cut it. Those bugs are like clouds up there...and can kill a trip with bites that itch like the Dickens!!! (Learned that in Russia camping in the woods with the orphanage kids one year....PRAISE GOD FOR DEET!!!!! No joke...I would have been a dehydrated little jerky had they not found my deet aroma repulsive!) Have a wonderful time...can't wait to hear about the fun...
Posted by: Heidi | June 16, 2008 at 08:18 PM
I love the scrapbooks. What a great idea. Once again, I am impressed with what a creative and fun mom you are. Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!
Posted by: Megan | June 16, 2008 at 09:10 PM