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On our family vacations we always bring a baseball and bat (we usually drive so there is more room for that kind of stuff)...we love to find a park nearby and play good old family baseball!


That is a great idea about the scrapbooks. We are taking the kids to Oregon (from So Cal)in August and my daughter (5 next month) loves scrapbooking. She'll love that idea. Thanks. Alaska looks beautiful. Have a great time.


Music! You'll most probably need music! Or maybe some storybooks too.


sounds like you've got everything pretty well organised though, have a wonderful trip!


I'm with Toben, no roughing it, that's just not fun! Let's see. a deck of cards maybe. and a puzzle, how about snacks, and special sleeping toys to feel and smell more like home, perhaps that's just my kids? I love the journal scrapbook idea!


What a great idea! *mentally notes it for later*

We haven't taken a vacation yet, so I have no idea.


Have a wonderful time on your trip! I lived in Anchorage for a long time. Went to Fairbanks and Chena Hot Springs a few times. My dad is still there at Denali National Park. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!


We had a family wedding this past weekend-- Michael's brother was finally married! Enjoy the trip to Alaska... the house and scenery where you are staying looks beautiful!


Oh I love to find fellow list makers! My hubby is not and teases me on my dependance to them. I love the scrapbook idea and will certainly do that with my 3 kiddos on our next trip. We will sometimes get a disposable camera for each of them when we go somewhere fun. It is neat to see the same things through their eyes. If I forget they just use my digital camera which is not as much fun but still works. Safe travels!

Marla Taviano

Those travel scrapbooks are sooo great! My girls would love to do that! (well, at least 1 of them!) Have fun in Alaska!!


GIRLFRIEND...this is Alaska we are talking about...get the STRONGEST mosquito repellant you can stand...I'm talking about that toxic DEET junk. You will need it like nobody's business! None of that botanical stuff will cut it. Those bugs are like clouds up there...and can kill a trip with bites that itch like the Dickens!!! (Learned that in Russia camping in the woods with the orphanage kids one year....PRAISE GOD FOR DEET!!!!! No joke...I would have been a dehydrated little jerky had they not found my deet aroma repulsive!) Have a wonderful time...can't wait to hear about the fun...


I love the scrapbooks. What a great idea. Once again, I am impressed with what a creative and fun mom you are. Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!

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