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« Riverboat Discovery | Main | Wildlife count »


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Hello Joanne (and family)! Yup, I'm back to comment! I remember yelling "Thank you, God!!" when I finally got to see a deer at Richmond Park (I think that's the park) in England! =D

Continue having fun, my lovely friend!


Yay for the meese! :)

Dawn W

What an adventure! Your girls will never, ever forget this trip!!!

Yea, God! Isn't it cool you asked for one moose and He brought you THREE?! Isn't that just like Him.

Holly B.

Very cool! I love when God does things like that!

Holly Smith

What a praise!! Yay God!!

Barbara Watkins

Be careful around those moosies. They are very cantankerous and aggressive. A friend of mine even had her car chased by a moose when she drove past it.


Yay... how fun to finally see them!

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