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« Made it to Alaska! | Main | Riverboat Discovery »


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I'm glad you decided to post up pictures! Love them all! Audrey and Emma look so adorable! And you're kayaking!! I love kayaking! It's pretty relaxing and really works those biceps!


Oh, what a fun trip! It's so beautiful there!

Isn't kayaking great? To kayak in Alaska must be wonderful. How relaxing.

And tell Emma that my Emma has the same fishing pole. My Emma will be thrilled when I show her in the morning! :)


Joanne--I'm dying for you to see some bear or moose (or both!). I'm praying you get to, from a distance, of course. :)

Love the fishing pics! And call me crazy, but I think I'd love the rustic camp.


Amazing pictures ....Sounds like so much fun..I am so happy for you and your family. I hope and pray that you continue to have a great time.


Yay! Glad you guys made it there safely and are having fun! All your pics make me homesick. :(

You will enjoy the riverboat and all the stops. Definitely stop at the Denali NP visitor's center on your way back to Anchorage. It's only a few years old and is pretty spectacular (in the world of park visitor centers). I know my dad is very proud of it.

The video they have at the visitor's center is pretty neat, so try to see that. They show it frequently through out the day, and it's not very long. My favorite part of the visitor's center (and will probably your daughters') is at the back on the lower level. It's where all the "stuffed" animals and 3-D terrain displays are. (Sorry. Surely a curator would have a name for that type of display.)

Can't wait to see more pics from your trip!


That looks like fun! Enjoy yourself!


Wow, beautiful pictures! Have a ball!!! Blessings!


I'm so incredibly envious of your trip! Alaska is probably one of the top 3 places in the world that I would love to visit. I'm a big camper so those rustic cabins overlooking the lake look heavenly to me. Have a wonderful time and keep posting those pictures!

Holly Smith

Does the Musk Ox smell like musk?

I want to kayak with you!! I'd probably go backwards in circles.

Prayin' for you!

Holly B.

Stunning scenery! Can't see that in Paris!

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