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Holly B.

Have fun! Joe's sounds yummy!


Hope you are having a great time...and cookies with the babysitter..sounds loads of fun..!!
Take care

linda thompson

How is it that you know about Joe's Farm Grill... and I have never heard of the place!!! Thank you so much for giving me the scoop! I love places like that and will be sure to check it out!
Thanks again!


You know what we say in Arizona about the's a dry heat :)
(like sticking your head in the oven)
Actually it's been a very nice spring for us so far.

Alison Hall

I loved getting to spend some time with you over the last couple of days! You are so easy to talk to and be with. It was refreshing to just hang and talk girly stuff and Mom stuff and all that. I haven't experienced that since moving to Gilbert - so thank you!

I checked out the "Blissful Living" website. OMG! You have to come back and us go there together! I'm definately going to check it out in person.


Yes! It's hot here. Try and stay cool......


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