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« Wildlife count | Main | We're home from Alaska! »


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That's the work of God! So beautiful!


Many many Thanks Joanne for sharing those amazing pictures with us...I have never seen a bear in my life..I was thrilled when I first saw your pic with the bear.....Wow...Alaska is beautiful..God's own land.


we were just in alaska and that looks a lot like the glaciers we saw. it was cold!


I have always said that I would love to see a bear in the wild. But I guess I need to add that I would like to be stopped in my car and not running from one :)
Beautiful pics


Wow, what awesome scenery

Marla Taviano

Wow, that's incredible!!


Amazing photos. I hope the girls' moose continue to work. Thanks for providing so many great updates from your trip.


Looks like sooooooooooo much fun and what amazing pics!

linda thompson

I am loving coming along on your Alaskan travels!
What a trip of a lifetime!


ha! i think that was the exact same conservation center we stopped at when we were in alaska! it was like looking at my own photos. only i tried to trick everyone more and shot between the fence. people actually gasped at the thought that we would be quite so close to a bear! i'm trying to remmeber but i think the only other actual bears we saw were from the train. they were faraway and we were moving past. what a glorious place to visit!

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