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« Hanging out at Twin Bears Camp | Main | Goin' on a moose hunt... »


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The last photograph is really cute! My brother was part of the Boy Scouts (we didn't have Girl Scouts! Oh well) and he used to tell me many stories about their camping trips. Building shelters was something he really enjoyed. I've tried building a shelter like that when I went on a school camp in 2004. It wasn't very glamorous but it sure was cozy! =D Continue having fun, Heim family! God bless you all!


So glad you guys had fun on the boat! Looks like you are having beautiful weather, too!


What a fun day & I have to say, love your outfit.

Glad you saw your three moose--or is it meese? Heehee. Did you give them a muffin? (your girls too old for that story?)

Wow. I'm in a weird mood. Pay me no mind.

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