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Bless her heart! You all are in my prayers.


Praying for your trip out... and Audrey's tummy. Have a safe, and healthy, flight tomorrow!
God bless!

Holly Smith

Oh poor Audrey! Tell her that Kylie and I will pray for her to get well very soon.

Funny, the Lord brought you to mind for me to pray at about 11:00 this morning. So I did and prayed for your folks, as well.

Love you friend!!


Praying for a quick recovery and for your sanity.
Hope you get home without further issue.

Jennifer Medeiros


I will be praying for Audrey and your family. You will be in my prayers for a harmonious trip home tomorrow!!


Poor, sweet, girl! Praying for you, too...

Let's chat soon!

Love ya, gf


Ugh! Being sick when you're away from home is no fun, no matter how old you are! I'll be praying for an uneventful flight home tomorrow.

I hope shopping was fun at least! ;)

Holly B.

So sorry to hear that Audrey is not well! Praying for her quick recovery, and for the rest of you, too!

Ann at mommysecrets

That's weird - you would think the airlines would WANT you to stay off the airplane, instead of making you pay lots of moolah to keep other passengers safe. I think I would respond to the request by kindly asking how the flight attendants are prepared to handle a raging case of the stomach bug!

Sorry to hear she's sick & I hope an evening's sleep brings a happier tummy!


Praying for little Audrey and her mom right now.
She will be fine in no time.


oh the poor little thing!

It's not nice not to be home when you're really sick. I hope you're all back safe and sound real soon.


Praying for you and all of the fam, dear friend. I'll be praying for you continually ~ please let me know if there's more I can do for you.....

Much love,

Dawn W

Still praying...

Hoping all is well. Let us know!


hope things are looking better... praying.

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