I upgraded my account on Typepad so now I can customize things a little more. So I've been playing around with a different design. The old one was getting, well, old, and it was time for a change.
So after our outing to the Bass Pro Shop this morning for a little field trip and target practice at their fake shooting range (I got the mountain lion!), I learned how to make a blog banner.
Do you ever feel like you need a change? Rearranging the furniture, a new outfit, a new haircut--those are the things I usually turn to. But a new blog banner is much easier than a new haircut--especially one that ends in tears (as so many of mine have...).
Looks great!
Posted by: Annabelle @ Christian Momma | June 28, 2008 at 07:34 PM
I really like your new template! Very fancy :)
And yeah, there are times when I feel I need a change. I usually shift around the stuff in my room. Kinda helps. Changing blog template helps too!
Posted by: Puva | June 28, 2008 at 07:36 PM
Love the banner and the new look. I am famous for changing things around when I need it. Just ask my husband... he comes home to furniture rearranged, new paint on the wall, etc. Yeah for change!
Posted by: angela | June 29, 2008 at 04:08 PM
Yes! I know about needing a change! I used to sell my house...now my husband only lets me rearrange the furniture or paint. :) Love the new title!
Posted by: Sarah | June 29, 2008 at 07:25 PM
I love your new banner! I used to get your hair-cut thing but about a year ago I did my first Locks of Love doantion and it was so rewarding and liberating I am not longer so attached to my hair. If you feel a need to make a change and need a little push give it a thought. It will always grow back!
Posted by: Deann | June 30, 2008 at 02:32 AM
Dear Deann,
I tried to email you back, but it got returned to me...not sure why.
Anyway, I have thought of it—for the girls and I to do together. We all have THICK hair and could probably make at least six wigs between the three of us! We’re all still growing hair long—then maybe we’ll go together...
Posted by: Joanne (The Simple Wife) | June 30, 2008 at 08:20 AM